In this article I will show you what do wet dreams mean spiritually (spiritual meaning) and even how to stop them.
Wet dreams occur mostly during the adolescent or puberty stage. This is where a lot of hormonal changes happen. However, beyond the physical and medical explanation behind this event, I have realized that something spiritual might be attached to this nocturnal emission.
Wet dreams have been seen in a negative light across different religions, and sections. However, there is a lot more to this than meets the eye. When you have wet dreams, it is something to pay attention to.
There are various factors to consider:
- The dream you had.
- How many times have you orgasmed during the night?
- Your age.
- How many times does it happen in a week or month?
All of these factors must be considered to understand what the universe is saying to you through wet dreams.
I understand that this must be very confusing, or conflicting, this is why I have compiled the best spiritual meanings of having wet dreams. In this article, I discussed everything you need to understand about the spiritual implication of having a wet dream.
- Is a wet dream a spiritual attack?
- Should I be bothered about having wet dreams?
- What is the spiritual meaning of having wet dreams?
All of these questions will be answered in detail. Therefore, stick till the end to have a full understanding of the spiritual meaning of wet dreams.
What does it mean when you have a wet dream?
Whenever you have a wet dream, it means a spiritual message. Your physiological changes, body movements, and the things around you can be used as a spiritual message.
Therefore, attention is necessary. Whenever you have a wet dream, the universe is trying to call your attention.
The wet dream passes a spiritual message of alertness. Furthermore, it is a sign of a change in season. It is believed that hormonal changes can be an indication of a spiritual transition.
This might not be entirely true. However, whenever you have wet dreams as a teenager, the universe is calling your attention to the change in season.
If you have gone past that stage, then the wet dream can bring a different spiritual message. In the medical world, wet dreams are believed to be a sign of hormonal changes. This is true. However, there are spiritual messages attached to this experience.
Whenever you have wet dreams, it is also believed to be a sign that you are in the season of finding love and friendship.
Orgasm comes from having sex or feeling the urge to have sex. This can only happen if your heart is endeared towards the other person. Therefore, having such an experience at the midnight is a sign that you are going to meet your true love soon.
Is a wet dream a spiritual attack?
Africans believe that whenever you have wet dreams, it is a sign of having a spiritual husband or wife, and you need to perform prayers or rituals to separate yourself from these spirit beings.
Without doing this, you might experience stagnation in your life, and getting married will be difficult. There have been several cases in Africa.
Therefore, you might want to look into this as well.
What do wet dreams mean spiritually? 7 Messages
Seven messages can be gotten from having wet dreams. Each of these messages talks about something specific. Therefore, you should hold them dear to your heart, and use them to interpret the meaning of your wet dreams – whenever you have them.
1) You are in the season of love
Whenever you have wet dreams consecutively for days, it is a sign of love. Most especially, when you are thinking about getting married every time.
Whenever you have wet dreams after thinking about getting married or finding love, it is a sign that you are in the season of love.
The universe has brought the wet dream to give you a feeling of what you should expect in your love life. Having wet dreams every time you think about getting married is a clear indication that you are in that season.
Therefore, getting prepared is the best way to make good use of the dream. Wet dreams can be a spiritual indicator of the season of love.
Therefore, watch out for this. If you have been yearning for love, expect to have wet dreams. This will be a major indication that your twin flame will locate you soon.
2) You are entering a season of prosperity and peace
You are probably thinking about the correlation between the spiritual message and the dream you are having. There is a spiritual correlation, and I am going to explain it to you.
When you have wet dreams, you emit orgasm.
During the process of emitting orgasm, there is a beautiful feeling that comes. The feeling of satisfaction, and peace.
This feeling is an indication of a new season.
Whenever you have wet dreams after sleeping off from worry or anxiety, the universe is indicating a change in your season.
From the experience of people, we have realized that most times, you will wake up happy.
Therefore, look out for this. Whenever you have wet dreams after sleeping in deep thoughts, it is a message from the universe that your life is going to take a new shape. You are about to enter a new season of your life that is full of prosperity and good luck.
3) You are missing your wife
Whenever you have wet dreams, it is a sign that you are missing your wife. This applies to couples that are living separately due to job locations, relocation, and other legitimate and understandable reasons.
If you fall into this category, wet dreams might be an indication that you are missing your wife. Whenever you wake up from this dream and get an immediate call from your wife, then the universe is showing that your heart is one with hers.
The call is a sign that she is also missing you, and desires to see you. Most times, when this happens, you will have a tense sexual urge. You will want to have sex with your wife intensely after such a dream.
The wet dream simply brings a sign that you are missing your wife, and your wife feels the same way about it. This is not a bad sign. It is a revelation of what is in your heart.
Therefore, it is the best time to plan a travel or full relocation to be with your wife.
Likewise, if you are a woman, it is the best time to begin to plan to visit your husband and spend some intimate time together.
Another thing to look out for is the thought that comes into your heart when you wake up from this dream. You will be thinking of the different things you want to do to your wife – sex, kissing, hugging, cuddling, and so on.
4) You are missing your ex
Having wet dreams is an indication that you miss your past relationship. If you recently broke up with your partner, wet dreams might happen to you consecutively. I had this experience some months ago.
Thinking about it right now still brings the memory of my past relationship.
Although it did not work out, I still want her so badly. After the breakup, I did not stop thinking about her for almost 3 months.
Every time I think about her, I have wet dreams. This type of experience does not need deep sleep to happen. Once you are immersed in thoughts about your ex, you will drift off to sleep, and wet dreams will occur.
This is not a bad sign. It just proves how much you love your ex, and desire to reconcile.
This might not be the same feeling at the other end of your ex. Therefore, you cannot take this as a sign that the universe wants you to be together. You can pray to the universe or perform love spells to influence the feeling of your ex – if you truly want him/her back.
5) A spiritual attack
Whenever you have wet dreams in the night – without any thought, or wish, it is a sign of spiritual attack.
Africans believe that wet dreams are not a good sign.
They believe that whenever this happens, you should take spiritual actions against it. Therefore, it is necessary to include this message. Let it be a caution.
Whenever you have wet dreams, you involuntarily release orgasm. This shows a lack of will and self-control, and it spiritually means that all of your defenses are down. It shows that you are vulnerable to attack.
Therefore, whenever you wake up from this dream, you should seek spiritual help, or take a drastic step at protecting yourself from spiritual attacks.
This warning sign should not be taken for granted. Ignoring this will cost you. I believe this meaning to be true because I have spoken with a few Africans that have experienced the wet dream, and its spiritual consequence.
6) Letting go
Having wet dreams is a sign to let go of whatever does not bring you joy. In life, we hold on to a lot of things because we are scared of letting go. We feel that our lives will become worse without those things, or people.
Whenever you have wet dreams, the universe is passing a message to you that it is time to let go.
Rather than feeling scared, you have to be courageous to let go.
This might be a relationship, job, or relocation. Just like you released fluid through the wet dream, it is time to release everything that does not bring benefit to your life. You have to let go of every burden.
7) Growth
Having wet dreams is a sign of growth. Biologically, wet dreams are a sign of hormonal changes and development.
Spiritually, there is a correlation between biological meaning and spiritual meaning. In the spiritual world, whenever you have wet dreams, it is an indication of growth. It is a sign of development.
The universe is telling you to get ready for growth. This will affect your mental, physical, and spiritual life.
Is Having Wet Dreams a bad spiritual sign?
Having wet dreams can either be a bad spiritual sign or a good spiritual sign.
There are different spiritual messages from wet dreams, and you should pay attention to them all.
Whenever the universe sends a warning sign through wet dreams, you should take corresponding actions to prevent negative events from unfolding.
Mostly, wet dreams reveal our emotional feeling, and tell us about the future.
Should I be Concerned?
Whenever you have a wet dream, you should be concerned about this. Pay attention to this spiritual message.
Several people have had wet dreams in the past, but did not pay attention to the spiritual message that is communicated to them.
Without proper spiritual attention, you will fail to understand the spiritual message behind wet dreams, and this might lead to negative events – most especially if the meaning of your wet dream is about a spiritual attack.
How to stop wet dreams spiritually?
If a warning came with the wet dream, you must follow the instruction. Whenever you do this, the wet dream will stop. This is one of the ways to stop the wet dream.
Another spiritual method to stop it is by visiting a spiritual leader. Employ the services of a psychic, seer, or any spiritual leader of your religion. By speaking with the person, a solution will be given.
Another way to stop wet dreams is by taking your mind off anxiety, or love. When you do this, your wet dreams will go. Your thoughts determine wet dreams. Therefore, by keeping your thoughts in check, you will be able to prevent the wet dream from happening consecutively.
Final Words
Whenever you have wet dreams, don’t be scared. Rather, pay attention to the spiritual message that comes with this experience. This is how to understand what the universe is communicating to you.
As you learn to understand the spiritual meaning of wet dreams, you will be able to predict your future and avoid negative situations.
So, do you already know what do wet dreams mean spiritually and how to stop them? Please, feel free to leave your comments below!
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Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same.
Yup am confused though…
Im a huge fan already, man. Youve done a brilliant job making sure that people understand where youre arrival from. And let me tell you, I get it. huge stuff and I cant wait to read more of your information sites. What youve got to say is important and needs to be check out.
Yeal I think you hit the nail, you are right
I’m confused I don’t know if mine is a spiritual attack or norm…pls I need help
I have had these while I’m wide awake thinking of my husband and we are sort of apart not divorced but we are both in lingo right now (I’m in one state he is another) seeing what happens but barely communicating…. So it’s confusing and before this happened to me 2/3 dreams of my teeth falling out so something or someone is trying to communicate w me and my subconscious is trying to tell me something! I do believe in the Divine and I also believe we are deeply connected some how some way he was put in my path for a reason and from what I was told we are past lovers/ soul mates from over 4,000 yrs ago. Maybe that is why they are so so intense happenings idk yet. Is it over or is it meant to work out? I can’t push it and I can’t make him want this to work//I have to let him heal and I have to let him find the meanings as well as me… a lot of changes on the way… as soon as they reveal themselves to me I will know….I’m deeply saddened and confused! I also been seeing my lucky number is the sky so the Heavens are trying to tell me something or help me that I know….it’s sad when a person is so conflicted and stubborn at the same time we are both FIRE signs..
Bravo.. but so confusing it’s had different meaning both good and bad then how can someone know if is for good or for bad. .
Wow who can really say if it’s a bad sign or a good one…it’s us who go through it. What do we spend most of our time doing, thinking about, talking about. We only attract what we desire,but the question remains; What is that,is it a wolf or a sheep in wolf clothing.
We should all be cautious cause I also feel bothered whenever it happens.
I have this problem but don’t know if its a spiritual attack i need help cause its worse it
I have have a problem of wet dreams