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YES or NO Oracle - Free and Accurate Answers (Full Answer)

Do you need free predictions about your life? Get immediate answers with the YES or NO oracle with free and accurate answers to all your questions! Clear all your doubts immediately with our free Tarot game with full answers!

Think of your question, choose 1 Tarot card and click on it:

When you click on 1 Tarot card you will have access to your answer immediately. You will receive 1 Tarot card with an answer of “YES“, “NO” and “MAYBE“. In addition, you will also receive tips, advice and insights about your life. The oracle is completely free, and you can play as many times as you want. You just need to mentalize your question and choose 1 card to get all the answers you’re looking for. Trust in the powers of Tarot cards and choose your card!

How does the Yes or No Oracle work?

The oracle consists of 52 Tarot cards. Each of these cards contains a different answer. When playing, you will receive a random card that will contain the answer “YES“, “NO” and “MAYBE“. This answer is definitive for your question.

  • YES: Answer YES in a simple and direct way to your question. The Tarot card has no doubts about your question or the answer it gives you.

  • NO: Answer NO directly and simply to your question. The answer is negative and the Tarot cards have no doubts about it.

  • MAYBE: Answers MAYBE. Tarot cards may not have understood your question or may not know a right answer. We recommend that you play again to try to get a different answer.

You should read your answer, but also try to interpret the card. Think about the answer you got and analyze it carefully. If necessary, play again to see if you get the same answer again. Tarot cards are rarely mistaken, so you can trust the answers you will get during this Tarot game.

What can I ask the oracle?

You can ask any type of question to the YES or No oracle, as you will always get an answer. I recommend asking simple, quick and direct questions. The more direct your question, the more accurate your answer.

You can ask questions such as:

  • Oracle, Is (Person’s name) still in love with me?
  • Is (Person’s name) cheating on me with someone?
  • Will I be able to get that job at (name of store)?
  • Oracle, will I be able to pass my driving test on Friday?
  • Oracle, will I get lucky in my marriage with (husband’s name)?

The questions above are just a few examples of what you can ask. As you may have noticed, these are very simple, straightforward and simple-to-answer questions. Follow this pattern, ask simple and straightforward questions. That way you will get better answers.

Make the most of the spiritual powers of the YES or NO Tarot and Oracle cards. Ask anything, anytime, without fear. Get spiritual help from tarot cards for free whenever you need it.

Before leaving, I recommend that you try other of our oracles or talk to our mediums online.