Why do I keep dreaming about my ex? It’s a spiritual message? Let’s find out!
Love is a beautiful thing.
Although it can get sour at times, it is still worth every emotional energy that is invested. Most times, it hurt badly that a breakup happens – most especially if you have a deep feeling of love for such a person.
There will be times when your mind will fantasize about your ex in different ways possible. It is normal for you to dream of your ex once in a while. However, while there is a psychological explanation for this, there can also be a deep mystery behind the things you see about your ex.
I have realized that the universe can speak to us through different means and mediums. If they can use inanimate objects to speak to us, then our dreams are a valid instrument of communication. Dreaming about your ex is a good medium of communication because it has a lot to do with your feelings. This type of dream is personal and will make a lot of sense to you.
In this article, I am going to reveal the reason behind the dreams you have of your ex. There is a message from the universe to you concerning your ex. At other times, it might have a lot to do with your past life. However, whatever it is, this article will reveal everything to you in much detail.
Why do I keep dreaming about my ex: The spiritual meaning
There are 8 different types of dreams you can have about your ex. Each of these dreams has different spiritual meanings, which relate to your life – most especially your love life.
From my experience with having such dreams, the universe can communicate with you concerning your love life, or concerning other aspects of your life.
Let us delve into this in more detail.
1) Dream about your ex calling you
This is one of the rarest dreams you will have about your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend. This dream might not have anything to do with your ex. It has a lot to do with the past you are holding on to.
There is something in your past that keeps haunting you. There is a mistake in your past that keeps showing up in your life every time you want to take a major leap that will give you progress. This has been occurring constantly, and it has been bothering you.
The universe has shown you that dream to send a message concerning letting go of your past. Your past needs to be kept in the past.
No matter how terrible your past mistakes are, it is time to let go of everything and move on with your life.
Your ex is your past and if you realize that you are having dreams of your ex calling you, then it is a sign that you have put yourself in a position whereby your past can easily haunt you and stop you from making progress.
This needs to stop.
The progress you will achieve is going to come as a result of letting go of everything in your past. Look forward to a new life and approach whatever comes at you with confidence.
Therefore, before you begin to think of reconciling with your ex, you must realize that the dream you had was not for your relationship.
It is concerning the mistakes of your past and how you have allowed them to hold you down from moving on with your life.
If you want to truly make progress, then you need to stop your past from haunting you. Open up your mind to new possibilities and begin a new life from now. Once you open up your mind to begin afresh, the universe will supply you with strength and support.
2) Dream about your ex-boyfriend wanting you back
This is for females. Whenever you have a dream concerning your ex-boyfriend wanting you back, then this is the universe trying to help your healing process.
Most times, you will have such dreams when you just broke up with your spouse. You will have such dreams within 2-3 months after the breakup.
Whenever this happens, it is because you are not healing up as expected.
You are feeling down and pained because of what happened in your relationship. This pain has led to condemnation and you are feeling bad.
Furthermore, you might have been verbally abused by your ex-boyfriend before the breakup and this has stuck with you ever since. Well, the universe has come to help you by showing you this dream.
The universe has come to show you that you were the better person in the relationship and that is why you saw your ex-boyfriend want you back. This is to heal you. This is to take away every form of guilt you have been facing and this is to take away the fear of entering a new relationship.
The universe has shown you that dream to show you that the breakup was not your fault and you have nothing to lose.
After seeing this dream, you will be full of strength and a positive mindset to open up your heart to love knowing fully well that you are valuable and full of a good heart. This dream is to help you heal up from your past breakup.
3) Dream about a past love kissing you
When you have this kind of dream, it is a sign that the breakup was mutual. It is a sign that what happened in your relationship was not forced.
There is nothing you would have done. Stop nursing any animosity in your heart against your ex-partner. There is nothing to hold on to. Let forgiveness adorn your heart. This dream will not happen physically.
This is one of the dreams you will have whenever you are having difficulty healing up. I understand that going through a break-up can be difficult. I have gone through this a lot of times and I know what runs through the mind during this time.
Therefore, whenever you have such a dream, it is a part of the healing process that you need to go through. This dream will help you to forgive yourself and your ex-partner.
It will also give you the strength to move on with your life and find love elsewhere. Whenever you dream of your ex kissing you, then it is a sign that the breakup was mutual.
Another meaning of this type of dream can be tied to an unfulfilled desire. Dreaming of kissing your ex will make you wake up desiring to have such an experience. This is just like having a desire unfulfilled.
Therefore, whenever you dream of your ex kissing you, the universe is revealing the hidden secrets of your heart. You might have been feeling down lately without knowing the reason. Most times, it happens whenever you have a desire that has not been fulfilled. The dream is a sign of this.
4) Making love with your ex
This is what some people call wet dreams. Anyways, whenever you find yourself having such dreams, then it is a sign that you are missing your ex.
You are missing the best part of your love life. Having sex with your ex in a dream is as refreshing as having sex in reality. Therefore, your heart yearns for this, but the best way for you to enjoy this is by dreaming about it. Most times, our heart fantasizes about our deepest desires.
It is the same as dreaming of riding a flying car. This is what you desire, but it is far-fetched because it cannot be accomplished.
Therefore, the best place is to enjoy it in your dream. Whenever you dream of making love with your ex, it is a sign that you miss your past relationship and you want it back so badly. This might not be true of your ex.
Therefore, don’t go looking for your ex or begging for love.
Simply move on with your life and open your heart to loving someone else. Perhaps, you will be able to enjoy yourself much more with this person.
5) Your ex is with someone else
This is a hard dream. I have spoken with people who burst into tears when they work up from such a dream. Most especially if your ex was someone you loved so dearly.
There is going to be a moment of hurt when you wake up. However, you should not allow yourself to brood over this issue for long.
Whenever you see your ex with someone else in your dream, it is a sign that you have truly forgiven your ex for whatever they did to you and you have released them in your heart to move on.
It is a sign that you have made peace with yourself and truly forgiven your ex. Therefore, in your subconscious, you have released your ex. Although, you might still have feelings for him or her.
Therefore, this is the reason why you will feel pained when you wake up from such a dream. There is nothing wrong with the way you feel after seeing such a dream.
During such times, we can only rely on the strength of the universe to get us through the emotions.
This is what I tell those who speak to me when they have such dreams. Therefore, if you have ever dreamt of such, don’t take it the wrong way.
Out of the many people I have spoken to about this dream, I have seen the animosity they hold against their ex because they felt that their ex was cheating on them.
This is a wrong interpretation. It has nothing to do with your ex, it has a lot to do with your heart.
6) Your ex asking you to come back
Well, this is a dream that is meant to make you feel good. There is a way you feel important and valuable when you wake up from such a dream.
I have had experiences with this. You will wake up feeling like you won a tussle. However, the interpretation of this dream opposes the way you feel about the dream.
Whenever you dream of your ex asking you to come back, it has a lot to do with you. The universe is showing you what your hidden desires are.
You miss your ex and you want him/her back into your life. However, when you are done feeling good as a result of the dream you just had, the next thing to do is to reflect on the meaning.
The meaning of this dream negates the feeling. Whenever you have this type of dream, then it is a sign that you and your ex cannot get back together.
You might begin to contest against this because you saw the opposite of the interpretation. It happens a lot. The universe communicates to us in shadows at times – it takes accurate discernment to fish the meanings out.
It took some time for me to accept this reality, but I had to. I never got back with my ex after the dream.
Although it took a while for me to accept this fact, I had to develop the strength to move on. I am happy and fulfilled today. Therefore, when you have such a dream, convert the energy you are feeling at the moment into the strength to move on.
7) Marrying your ex-husband
This is good news. Whenever you dream of getting back with your ex-husband and eventually marrying him, then it is a sign that you are going to get back with your ex-husband.
This is good news.
The universe has granted you the desires of your heart. You will meet your ex-husband again and get married all over.
The break-up happened because there is a lesson you need to learn. Now that the lesson has been learned, it is time to get back together and grow a blossoming relationship.
In addition to this, whenever you dream of marrying your ex-husband, it is a sign that your ex-husband has not found another love.
Therefore, the chance of getting back together is high. Fate will bring both of you together again and your love will be re-ignited. This is a good sign and you should be happy about it.
8) Dreaming about getting back with an ex
Whenever you have such a dream, it is an indication that you are finding it hard to move on. It is okay to feel this way – most especially if you have planned your life around the person in the picture.
Whenever you have such a dream, the universe is showing you that you are finding it hard to let go or accept the fact that you are no longer together.
This desire might be buried under annoyance or malice. You might not find it easy to admit this.
However, whenever you have this dream, the universe is showing you the deep desire of your heart. You have to move on.
If you refuse to move on, it will affect other aspects of your life.
You will lose concentration while on your job, you will find it hard to relate with your friends, you will become socially backward.
The universe has shown you this dream to encourage you to move on. What happened was not entirely your fault. Therefore, accept the fact, forgive yourself, and move on with your life.
Biblical meaning of dreaming about your ex
- Whenever you dream about your ex, God is telling you that you need to learn to be self-sufficient. You need to stop depending on other people around you before you can live a good life. God is speaking to you that the best way for you to live a full life is to learn to depend on yourself and him (God).
- God is telling you to learn from your past mistakes. Your past is your greatest teacher because it allows you to learn from your mistakes. Whenever you dream about your ex, it is a deep call to reflect on your past mistakes. This will guide you from repeating the same mistake. Certain patterns in our lives are bound to repeat themselves if we fail to learn from the past. The best way to prevent such from happening is to learn from the past. Therefore, in the bible, whenever you dream about your ex, God is telling you to learn from your past mistake.
- You need to evolve from who you are to a better person. Whenever you see your ex in a dream, God is encouraging you to become a changed person. Let go of every negative behavior and embrace a positive attitude and approach to life. By becoming a changed person, you will open up a lot of opportunities that will change your life in unimaginable ways.
- God is telling you not to be scared of losing your current relationship. When you are having issues with your current relationship, there will be this subtle fear in your heart about losing the current relationship just as you lost the previous one. However, whenever you have this kind of dream, God is telling you to not fear losing your relationship. Take away every fear of losing your relationship. The current relationship is better than your past relationship. Therefore, you should expect better things from your relationship.
If I dream about my ex, does it mean he misses me?
This is not entirely true. It depends on the type of dream you are having about your ex. Whenever you dream about your ex, it can mean different things:
- It might be the desires of your heart coming to play. You miss your ex and the good moments you shared with him, and you want it back so badly. This is one of the reasons why you dream about your ex.
- Your ex misses you and wants you back. It is hard to be sure of this. Therefore, this is rarely a possibility. However, don’t rule it out. Dreaming about your ex can be a sign that he misses you.
These are the 2 major meanings of dreaming about your ex. Most times, it has a lot to do with you than your ex. This is why you should always focus on yourself when you have such dreams.
Dreaming about an ex years later: Spiritual meaning
Whenever you have such a dream, it is a sign that the way you ended the relationship was not on a good note. Therefore, both of you have found it difficult to accept the fact that the relationship has ended.
Whenever you have such a dream, then it is a sign that your ex misses you and wants to make up for the broken relationship. This does not have anything to do with falling back in love. It might just be for reconciliation.
How to stop dreaming about your ex?
- Make peace with yourself concerning the broken relationship. Even if the relationship is your fault, it is okay for you to forgive yourself and move on.
- Spend time with yourself. This will help you to appreciate yourself much more. Spending time alone helps to see how valuable you are.
- Learn to make use of positive affirmations. Speak positive words of forgiveness, moving on, and self-love. This will help you to heal up fast and move on with your life.
- Forgive your ex for everything he/she did to you. It is okay to feel hurt, but you need to forgive to have the energy to move on with your life.
- Give it time. Don’t rush the process. With time, you will stop dreaming about your ex.
Final words
It is not abnormal to have such dreams. Therefore, whenever you dream about your ex, don’t dwell on how you feel, dwell on what it means and act where necessary.
Accept what has happened and move on with your life – hoping that you are going to find true love again. In addition to this, if the meaning is not love-related, then you need to act on the instruction that comes with the dream.
So, do you already know what does it mean when you dream about your ex? If you still have any questions, feel free to leave your comments below!
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Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same.
My husband and i have been seprated for many years. We rearely talk. I had a dream of him kissing me and having me sit on his lap telling me he was happy to see me but his current girlfriend was just sitting across from us. What could this mean?
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I split up with this particular girl six years ago and have had a relationship since, I had several dreams involving her at the time we split usually that we were back together which was upsetting as I didn’t want us to go our own ways.
Eventually she stopped being in my daily thoughts and I don’t recall any vivid dreams about her. I’m not sure what caused it as I hadn’t seen her or really thought of her but about about a year ago I had an extremely vivid dream about her which turned very sexy. I had Cleary had an orgasm during the dream and I was shocked and confused especially as I hadn’t had wet dream in years. I thought it was just a strange one off thing that can happen but over the next few months I kept having dreams about her and I woke up after orgasm on two more occasions. It’s so strange this happened especially after so long. I’ve since had another wet dream over a female friend who I’ve never had a relationship with. This is very uncomfortable when I see her as I feel like she somehow knows.
The ex boyfriend I dream about pretty regularly- we broke up over 20 years ago! I am married to someone else and have two kids. During the day I don’t think about him much but when I dream about him at night it is always with a very intense feeling of love and yearning to get back to be with him. There is a great physical distance between us (we live in different countries now). In my dreams I am feeling desperate to get back to him; I feel very unsettled until I can get back to him. In my waking life I have no desire to get back together with him but for some reason he pops up in my dreams and they are always very emotionally intense.
I’m having the exact same dreams about my ex girlfriend. I’ve been married over 20 years and have 3 children. Thank you for sharing your experience and its good to know I’m not the only one.