In this article, you will find out a lot of interesting facts about having a déjà vu, and what it means for you spiritually.
Have you ever wondered why you keep feeling as if an experience was not new?
Maybe you visited a place, and you suddenly feel as if you have been to that place sometimes in the past, or you met someone and you could swear that you have met this person some time ago in the past; each of these events has their spiritual meanings.
Whenever you experience this condition, it can be medically explained; however, you have to pay attention to your spiritual side more than the medical explanation.
The reason for this is that there is a spiritual world among the physical and a lot of activities take place in this realm that our mind cannot catch up with at the moment.
Therefore, when we have déjà vu, it is a sign of a spiritual activity that has happened, which is beginning to play out in the physical.
This is why you should never joke about having a déjà vu. Déjà vu is a weird feeling and it can lead to mental stress if it is constant. Therefore, you have to be alert and spiritually sensitive enough to pick the messages from the spirit world to stop the déjà vu experience from becoming consistent.
What does it mean when you have Déjà vu?
Whenever you have a déjà vu, it is a sign that your mind is trying to understand what the universe is trying to communicate to you through the pictures of a past event.
In some ancient cultures, it is believed that whenever someone experiences a déjà vu, it is a sign that such an individual is reincarnated.
It is a sign that such an individual has been possessed by the spirit of someone who has been to that same location in the past.
This claim has not been proven yet to be true. However, there is something to make out of this belief, and it is that whenever you have a déjà vu, it is a sign that you are spiritually sensitive, but your mind is slowly catching up with the messages from the universe.
Most times, people seek help from psychics to help them fully explain the pictures and related events that are happening to them.
Furthermore, having a déjà vu means that you have some secrets in your past that are trying to get out. This is why you begin to feel as if you have been to a place before. This is why you have seen someone before.
When you have a past covered up, which is trying to come up to the surface, déjà vu can be the perfect communication from your soul to your mind.
Therefore, when you have a déjà vu, it means that there is a spiritual message from the universe or from your past that needs to be communicated or uncovered.
What causes Déjà vu Spiritually?
In the spirit world, there are 4 main causes of déjà vu.
If you have been looking for the spiritual causes of having déjà vu, then you will find the answers you seek in this article.
Déjà vu is not a common condition in humans.
There is something that can trigger it spiritually. We are going to take a quick look at the different spiritual reasons for having a déjà vu.
You are covering up too many secrets
Having a déjà vu can be caused by keeping too many secrets in your heart.
Whenever you have a lot of secrets bottled up in your mind, the best spiritual way for your mind to relive itself of such stress is to create a vague image of a coincidence.
This has happened to me several times and I could draw the line back to the secrets I have been keeping.
Having a déjà vu does not mean that you should let out those secrets. It is simply a spiritual reaction from your soul that you have a lot of secrets bottled up in your mind, which needs to be let out, but you have not found the perfect and trusted person to talk to about what you have in mind.
Sometimes, these secrets might be about your plans and future objectives. At other times, they might be about the things you are not proud of. This is one of the spiritual reasons why you experience déjà vu.
Your spiritual side is trying to communicate with the physical
Another reason for experiencing a déjà vu is when your spiritual side is trying to communicate with the physical.
The déjà vu is a spiritual trigger that is meant to awaken your consciousness to the fact that there is something spiritual about you.
There is nothing that can physically explain why you feel like being in a place – even if you have never been there.
This will always trigger a consciousness in you that will oftentimes lead to a deep spiritual awakening.
Therefore, whenever you have a déjà vu, it is a call from your spiritual side. It is a spiritual method to bring your soul into an awareness that there is a spiritual side to your life.
The need to create harmony between the spiritual and physical will always lead to déjà vu.
A link between your past life and the present
Whenever you experience déjà vu, it might be as a result of a similar event in your past life.
You may be repeating one of the cycles of your past life. Therefore, your soul becomes triggered and brings a similar picture of your past to your mind.
This can be as a result of your connection with people, or your visit to places. The incident might not be identical, but the energy and emotion are identical.
Therefore, your soul can flashback and give you a nudge that you have had a similar experience in the past.
Most times, it is true. Our past lives and the present are closely linked together by cycles and phases.
Therefore, when we get to a cycle that is synonymous with our past lives, there will always be a trigger in our soul, which will lead to a déjà vu.
You are covering up your past
This is another reason for having a déjà vu. If you have done some horrible things in your past, which you have covered up because of fear, your mind can bring those events back whenever you are in the same vicinity or an array of events that are similar to the past events.
In some movies, you will observe a sudden pause in the actor, which is followed by a flashback of an event.
This has also happened to several people in real life. Therefore, when you have a dark past, déjà vu can happen to you. This is one of the common reasons for having a déjà vu.
What does Déjà vu mean Spiritually? 5 Spiritual meanings
In the spirit world, there are 5 spiritual meanings of having a déjà vu. Let us look at each of these meanings one after the other.
1) You are rightly positioned
When you begin to have a premonition that a current event of your life has happened to you in the past, then it is a sign that you are rightly positioned with your star.
It is a sign that you are spiritually aligned with the universe. It is a sign that your spiritual sensitivity is perfect.
You have rightly positioned yourself for the universe to communicate with you freely and pass divine messages to your soul.
Another meaning to this is that you are rightly positioned with your past life. This is why the events from your past life are coming back into your consciousness.
Therefore, whenever you have a déjà vu, it means you are rightly positioned in your soul and you have established a direct connection with the universe.
This means that you don’t need a spirit animal or object to pick up divine signals and understand what they mean.
2) You have deep spiritual foresight
When you have a déjà vu, it does not always mean that you have experienced that moment in your past life.
Sometimes, it might be a sign of your deep spiritual foresight. A similar incident happened to me some months ago, and this is how I was able to understand my spiritual abilities. I had a déjà vu.
However, the incident has never happened in my existence.
The only time it happened was in a spiritual dream I had some nights before the déjà vu.
Therefore, I realized that I was blessed with the gifts of vision by the universe. I have been using it ever since.
Therefore, whenever you have a déjà vu, it can be a sign of your spiritual abilities. It is a sign that you can predict events before they happen. A realization of this will inspire you to fulfill your destiny.
3) Your inner intuition is working perfectly
Experiencing déjà vu is a sign that your inner intuition can be trusted. Your intuition is a gift from God. Therefore, you have to trust in that ability.
Therefore, whenever you have a déjà vu, it is a sign that you should trust in your inner intuition.
It is a sign that you should never disregard the little nudge you have in your soul about taking an action, visiting a place, or talking to someone. A déjà vu is a sign that your inner intuition is accurate and capable of leading you into the light.
4) You are on the right track
Whenever you are confused, the universe can cause you to have a déjà vu. Having a déjà vu is a way of getting a second proof that you are doing the right thing.
The bible even supports this by saying that “in the mouth of two or three witnesses, a truth shall be established”.
Therefore, having a déjà vu is a sign that you are on the right track. It is a sign that you are doing what is right. It is a sign that there is no need for you to feel confused.
Simply keep at what you do and allow the universe to continually lead you.
5) It is a call for you to connect with your spiritual side
Whenever you have a déjà vu, it is a call for spiritual awakening. It is a sign that your spiritual side or higher consciousness (as some people call it) needs to be paid attention to.
Having a déjà vu is a sign that you have been neglecting your spiritual side for too long, and it is time for you to become more aware of your spiritual side.
Déjà vu Spiritual Awakening
As I have stated earlier, having a déjà vu is a call to spiritual consciousness and awareness.
It is a deep call from your spirit. It is a sign that you need to become more aware of the spirit world that revolves around you.
This is how you are going to become transformed and prepared for the next phase of your life. Furthermore, it will unlock a lot of spiritual abilities in you.
Is Déjà vu good or bad?
Déjà vu is good.
The reason for this is because of the caution it brings to the soul. There is sanity that comes to our mind for a moment whenever we experience a déjà vu. This sanity is good for our emotional and mental state.
Furthermore, déjà vu brings us to a point of spiritual awakening.
It brings us to a consciousness that there is more to us than what we can see with our eyes. This consciousness will lead to the discovery of who we are.
Final Words
Have you been experiencing déjà vu?
Then your uncertainty is over. In this article, I have stated the different spiritual meanings of having a déjà vu and how it can be beneficial to your life. Therefore, allow the déjà vu to lead you into self-discovery and spiritual awakening.
So, do you already know what does it mea when you have a Déjà vu? Please, feel free to leave your questions in the comments below!
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Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same.
Thank you for providing an insight into why I have similar experiences….very much appreciated.
It’s been a while since I’ve experienced this. Tonight I experienced it and something said look at the time. As expected it was 11:11… Thank you for this insight. I’m definitely thankful and I’m listening.
Friends, do not fear when you have such deep spiritual encounters. In the world on which we live, they can bring both relief and comfort. Let the Divine power enter in, and you will be further enlightened. If others think you are mentally deranged, so be it! God, the creator of all,should be our deepest source of truth and understanding of all issues, the mediator in our time of fear and doubt. Words such as deja vu, aastro-plane are man made. However, when experienced, they are quite profound. They who have ears, let them hear; has eyes, let them see, has heart and mine pay heed to those wonderful experiences as a direct link to universal understanding. I am 80 years of age (earth time) and I am still in awe of the subtle messages that I frequently encounter…. such as 11:11 and 1:11! I Think of God,Son,Holy Spirit and all the Heavenly Hosts. Be of good cheer. God is Great.
They make me physically sick. I feel as though my spirit is I don’t know maybe trying to leave my body . I don’t know if that’s the right way to put it. But I hate it when I have them I try my best when I feel one coming on to stop it before it happens. I do not like how it makes me feel. I don’t know that it’s anything good about it. Not to me anyways.