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What Does it Mean When Someone is in Your Dream?

What Does it Mean When Someone is in Your Dream?

What does it mean when someone is in your dream? Was that person your ex? Or a family member? Or even a guy you never met before? Well, let’s find out!

Dreaming about someone is a common experience. It is not alien to everyone. The only issue lies in the interpretation.

Without a proper interpretation, you will find it hard to make proper use of what the universe intends to communicate. 

Therefore, read this article till the end to furnish your mind with the necessary information about the different spiritual meanings of dreaming about people.

Why do people dream about other people?

Spiritual connection

Below are the 5 reasons why people dream about other people:

  1. Whenever the universe wants you to pray for others: This is one of the reasons for dreaming about other people.
  2. When you need to communicate with the person: The universe can use dreams to initiate communication between parties.
  3. When the person is in danger: If someone around you is in danger, you can have a dream about this. With this dream, you will be able to take precautionary steps against the eventuality of such an occurrence.
  4. It could be a sign: Sometimes, the dream might not have anything to do with the person you saw. It could mean other things, which will be discussed later in this article.

Therefore, read on to find out the possible spiritual meanings of seeing someone in your dream.

The spiritual meaning of dreaming about someone

The spiritual meaning of dreaming about someone

Whenever you are dreaming about someone, these are the following spiritual meanings:

  • The person is thinking about you.
  • You have something in common with the person you saw in your dream.
  • The universe is using the person as a figure for something spiritual or intangible.
  • It might be an indication of times and seasons.

What does it mean when someone is in your dream?

What does it mean when someone is in your dream

This is an important question and we are going to look into that right away. Dreaming about someone can be a sign from the universe.

This experience brings several messages that need to sink into your consciousness. Now, there are different categories of people you can see in your dream.

These categories determine the message you receive from the spiritual world.

The best way to answer this question is by looking into the different categories one after the other. The activities of these people in your dreams will also break down the messages.

Let us look into this in more detail.

Someone you love in your dream

Your love in your dream

Whenever you see someone you love in your dream, the following are what to expect from the universe.

  • This is a sign that you are going to enjoy a lovely life
  • This is a message from the universe that you should pay attention to the people around you.

Now, apart from these messages, you can get specific messages based on the activity of the person in your dream. Therefore, let us look at 3 common activities that someone you love can do in your dream. 

When someone you love is crying in your dream:

This is not a good sign. Crying in the dream can be a sign of danger. Whenever someone you love is crying in your dream, it is a message of caution and danger.

This means that the person in your dream is in danger. This can be a message to spur you to pray. As a spiritually active individual, I don’t take this dream for granted.

Seeing someone you love in tears is a sign that something bad is about to happen to that person.

Therefore, try to check up on the person. If the person is unreachable, it is best to pray for such an individual. This is a bad omen that someone you love is about to get into trouble.

When someone you love is laughing in your dream:

This is a good omen. Whenever someone you love is laughing in your dream, this means that something good is going to happen to such an individual.

This type of message will come to you as a sign of encouragement for the person.

For example: if your sibling is discouraged because of the turbulent times in his/her life, the universe can bring this dream to you as a sign of prophecy for good things.

Therefore, always ensure to reach out to the person involved.

Sharing this type of dream will inspire courage and faith in your heart, and that of the person involved. Whenever someone you love is laughing in your dream, this is a sign of good things. This brings good luck to the person involved.

When someone you love is holding you in your dream:

Whenever you dream of seeing someone you love holding you in your dream, it means that the person is thinking about you.

The spiritual realm will not send this message to you for fun. There is an intention behind such a message. This type of dream will come whenever you begin to feel lonely and without help.

This is a message to reveal that people genuinely love you

Pay attention to all of these spiritual messages surrounding the vision of someone you love. This is how to understand what the universe has to say to your consciousness.

Someone you hate in your dream

A bad person in your dream meaning

Funnily, I have received about 5 messages from different individuals concerning this dream. It was weird for them to have a dream about someone they hate. I gave them the following spiritual messages, and I am sure you will learn from them.

  • Whenever you dream about someone you hate, this might be an indication that the person has something in common with your past life
  • This can also be an indication that you have something important to transact with such an individual.
  • The universe can bring this dream to you as a message of forgiveness. In the bible, God teaches us to love our enemies. This can be the message from the spiritual world to you.
  • The dream can also be a message that such an individual is also thinking about you

These 4 spiritual messages are the general ones. This means that you can use these messages to determine how to interpret your dream about someone you hate. 

What if you see someone you hate kneeling? Or if you dream of someone you hate running after you? Do these events have spiritual messages as well? Let us look into these.

When someone you hate is kneeling:

This is a funny way of dreaming about someone you hate. People always expect to dream of such a person in a terrible situation.

However, the universe can bring this type of dream your way.

Whenever you dream of someone you hate kneeling, this means that the person is seeking reconciliation. This means that the person has acknowledged his wrongdoing, and is ready to make amends.

This message should bring relief to you, and also spur in you an attitude of love and forgiveness.

However, the primary message of this type of dream points to the heart posture of the person you hate.

When someone you hate is running after you:

This is a scary dream. The universe is sending a warning signal to you with this dream. This means that you should be careful of this individual.

This can also be an affirmation from the universe that your premonition about this individual is true.

This message is telling you that the person is evil, and determined to hurt you.

Therefore, you need to avoid such a person.

Furthermore, you should consciously take steps to protect yourself from such an attack. Through prayer, and protection rituals, you will keep yourself safe from the evil plans of such a person.

When someone you hate is sitting down:

This is a prophetic sign. The universe is showing you a plan before it comes to pass. This dream tells you that the person involved is planning to hurt you.

Now, this dream does not reveal all the strategies involved.

However, it gives you a heads-up and allows you to prepare yourself effectively for what lies ahead.

This dream tells you that the person you hate is planning evil against you. Therefore, you have to be cautious, and spiritually sensitive to the things that will begin to happen around you.

Someone you hate holding a dove in his hand:

This is a biblical message. Seeing a dove in the spirit world is a sign of forgiveness and letting go of hurts.

Whenever you are finding it hard to let go of offenses, the universe will bring this dream to your consciousness.

This dream will come as a sign to strengthen your resolve to let go of the offenses in your heart against this individual. By obeying this spiritual instruction, you will find peace and stability.

Conclusively, you should understand that these dreams might not only refer to the person involved. It can be a message concerning relationships. Therefore, apply it to everybody around you.

A family member in your dream

Dream with a family member

Seeing your family member in your dream is a common occurrence. Therefore, it should not be strange to you that this type of dream is occurring.

However, the meanings might be disrupted by your familiarity with this type of dream. This is why it is best to detach yourself from every form of familiarity with spiritual signs and experiences.

If you are going to enjoy the message from seeing your family member in your dream, you must consistently see it as a spiritual sign from the universe.

Additionally, the universe can give you this dream for the following reasons:

  • To warn you of something.
  • To rightly position your expectations.
  • To inspire a love for the individual.
  • You can have this dream to serve as a spiritual messenger to your family members.

Now, if you dream about a family member in your dream, the following meanings can be gotten, and these are based on the activities involved.

When your family member is laughing:

This is a good omen.

Whenever you dream of your family member laughing, it means that something good is going to happen to your family member.

Now, you will get clearer messages based on the following:

When your family member is laughing at his/her place of work:

This means that something good is going to happen to your family member at their place of work.

This might be a promotion, a salary increase, or a new job with better incentives. This dream has a lot to do with career opportunities.

When your family member holds gold in his/her hand while laughing:

This is a sign of wealth in the spiritual realm. Holding gold means taking advantage of opportunities to create wealth.

Therefore, whenever you see your family member in this position, it is a sign that financial abundance is coming

When your family member is laughing in a white cloud: This is a sign of positivity. This means that positive energy surrounds your family member, and this will lead to a positive turn of events.

In addition to this, it can mean protection against evil occurrences.

When your family member is crying:

This is a message that should inspire you to pray. Whenever you see your family member in this situation, it means that you should pray for your family.

This is an indication that a negative event is about to break out in your family, which will bring about sadness.

Therefore, it is time to stand in the place of prayer for your family. Now, the person you saw in your dream might not be the party involved.

Therefore, keep an open mind.

Ensure to pray against evil occurrences. This is how to prevent the plan of evil people from coming to fruition.

Whenever you dream of your family member entering a door:

This means a new season of opportunities. In the spiritual world, doors are a sign of opportunities.

Seeing a door is an indication of numerous opportunities.

When you see your family member entering a door, this means that your family member will experience an unusual opportunity, which will lead to a divine promotion in career, finances, or relationships.

These are the messages from seeing a family member in your dream, and you should pay attention to all of them.

A dead person in your dream

Dream with a dead person

Dreaming of a dead person is a sign from the universe. Whenever you have this experience, you should pay attention to it. Let us look at the different spiritual messages of seeing a dead person in your dream.

When you see a dead person sitting on a chair:

This does not have anything to do with the dead person. Even if the person is not familiar, it has nothing to do with the person.

Whenever you see a dead person sitting on a chair, this is a sign of your past. Dead people refer to our past lives. Dreaming about them can be a sign that your past is trying to resurface in your life. This is important for you to realize.

Therefore, before you run around seeking spiritual help, you should pay attention to this message.

Seeing a dead person sitting on a chair means that your past is trying to come back into your presence.

Now, the things in your past determine if the message is good or bad.

If your past is full of mistakes, this might be a bad sign. However, if your past is full of good things, it means that this is a good sign. Seeing a dead person on a chair is a sign of repeated cycles. 

When you dream of a dead person that looks older than before:

This can happen at times. You can dream of a dead person that looks older than how he/she was on earth.

When this happens, it is a sign that your past habits and lifestyle are trying to resurrect. This is the first spiritual meaning that can be gleaned from this dream.

Therefore, you have to be cautious.

Now, another spiritual meaning points to the nature of sin.

In the bible, the dead nature of man is referred to as the old man.

Therefore, when you dream of a deceased person that looks older than while on earth, it means that sin is trying to come back into your life. This is a message to inspire a deeper level of consecration to God.

As you devote yourself to God, you will protect yourself from falling into the trap of sinfulness.

When you dream of a dead person wearing white clothes:

This is a good sign that your guardian angel has come to visit you.

Before you make such a conclusion, the dead person in your dream must be close to you.

The universe will not use strangers as a spiritual sign of your guardian angel. When you see a dead person wearing white clothes, this means that your guardian angel is around.

This creates a positive atmosphere around you, which opens your spiritual life to sensitivity. 

When you see a dead person that is sleeping:

This means that the person is resting in peace.

This vision will come a few days after you lose someone. This dream intends to bring peace to your heart concerning the deceased person.

This message is also intended to reveal the good deeds of the person.

Whenever you dream of a dead person that is sleeping, it means that the soul of the deceased is resting in peace.

Someone you want to forget in your dream

Past love

Dreaming of someone you want to forget brings vital lessons to you.

This is why you should not discard such dreams. Whenever you keep seeing the person you want to forget in a dream, this is a sign that there is something you have to learn.

Knocking on your door:

When someone you intend to forget is knocking on your door, this means that the past is knocking on your door.

This means that the past is trying to get access into your life.

The universe can remind you of the past by sending the vision of a dead man in your dream, or by bringing the person you want to forget into your dream.

Therefore, whenever you are tempted to discard this dream, remind yourself of this. Instead of paying attention to the person in your dream, let your gaze be fixed on the message, which is concerning your past.

This means that your past is trying to resurface.

Looking at you:

When someone you want to forget is looking at you in a dream, this is a sign that the person is thinking of you at the moment.

Now, this does not mean that you should try to reach out to such a person. It is simply to reveal the intention of the person to you.

The dream is a reflection of the energy from the person. 

Laughing with someone:

This means that the person has forgotten about you, and moved on.

Most especially in a relationship.

Now, this is a message of release. That is, if you have been holding back because of the fear of hurting such an individual, this dream should release you from holding back. This dream is intended to strengthen your conviction enough to move on as well.

Holding your hands:

When someone you want to forget is holding your hands in a dream, this means that the person doesn’t want to let you go.

Now, you have the decision to either let go of the person or consider forgiveness. The spiritual world will not make this decision for you.

Therefore, open your heart to receive this message. 

Your ex in a dream

Dream about your ex

Dreaming of your ex can be a lot of stress – most especially if you want to desperately forget such an individual. However, there are spiritual messages surrounding this dream, and you should pay attention o them all.

Proposing to you:

Whenever your ex is proposing to you in a dream, this means that you are going to get back together with your ex.

Therefore, begin to prepare for this.

Most times, this dream will come because you desire to get back together with your ex.

Running ahead of you:

When you see your ex running ahead of you, then it means that you should also move on.

This is a sign that your ex has moved on already.

This might hurt you, but it is best to accept this reality earlier. In addition to this, pray to the universe to strengthen your resolve to forget about your past relationship with your ex.

Swimming in an ocean:

When your ex is swimming in an ocean (in a dream), this means that your ex is thinking about you. This means that your ex remembers what you shared in the past, and still desires it.

Furthermore, this can also mean that you will meet your ex soon. This could be the start of a new relationship with each other.

Checking the time:

This means that your past is trying to come back into your life. Dreaming of your ex checking the time is not a good sign.

Therefore, you need to ensure that your past does not resurface. One of the ways to prevent this is by taking away every form of condemnation for your past mistakes.

Your husband or wife in a dream

Husband in a dream meaning

Seeing your husband or wife in a dream has the following spiritual messages:

  • You will experience marital bliss: If you have been bothered about your marital life, dreaming that you are playing with your spouse means that you are blessed with bliss. This will materialize shortly.
  • When you see your spouse playing with a bird in your dream: This means spiritual sensitivity. The universe is speaking to you concerning becoming spiritually active. Therefore, don’t be carried away by the beauty of such a dream. Take it as a sign to become spiritually aware of what goes on in your atmosphere.

What does it mean when you keep dreaming about someone?

Repeated dreams with someone

It means that there is a message you have failed to receive from the universe. Not all dreams are exact in meaning and figure.

You have to understand this. Whenever you keep dreaming about someone, it might be a sign that you have failed to pay attention to some important things in your life.

Therefore, allow the following things to usher you into the meaning of this dream:

  • The personality of the person.
  • Your relationship with the person.
  • What the person is doing in the dream.

I had a dream about a guy I never met: could it be a spiritual message?

Dreaming with someone you never met before

Yes, it can be a spiritual message. Dreaming about a guy you have never met is a prophetic sign that you are going to meet the person.

If you are single, you should take this as a connection sign with your twin flame. Dreaming about a stranger means that you will meet that person.

Furthermore, you can have this dream because of your relationship with this person in your past life. If this is true, then, this can be a sign that your past life has found its way into your present life.

When you dream about someone, does it mean they are thinking of you?

Conection in dreams

Dreaming about someone does not always mean that they are thinking of you. However, it can be a sign that they are thinking of you. The following should bring clarity to this:

  • If you dream of someone looking at you, this can be a sign that they are thinking of you.
  • If you dream of someone writing down your name, this can also be a sign that they are thinking of you.
  • If you dream of someone talking to you in a dream, this can be an indication that they are thinking of you.
  • If you dream of wearing the same attire with someone, this can also be a message of energy exchange between each other. That is, both parties are thinking about themselves.

However, this is not a general conclusion. Dreaming about someone can also be a sign of encouragement, good luck, or a warning sign.

If you dream about someone, do they dream about you?

Couple in a dream

No, they don’t. Dreaming about someone does not mean that the person is dreaming about you

For example, if you dream of a dead person, how can a dead person dream about you? Therefore, this is not a true conclusion.

Having a dream about someone can be a communication channel from the universe about something that has nothing to do with the person you saw.

I am constantly dreaming about someone; how can I stop?

Stop the nightmares

The following methods can be deployed to stop this from happening:

  • Understand the message from the dream.
  • Stop thinking about the person.

These 2 methods will bring an end to this dream about someone. Whenever you find yourself consistently dreaming of someone, you can stop this by getting a full understanding of the dream.

Apart from this, you can get this dream out of your soul by deliberately avoiding the thought of such an individual.

Could it be a warning sign?

Spiritual message

Yes, it can be a warning sign. Having a dream about someone can be a sign of danger. For example, dreaming about someone that is crying can be an indication of negativity.

This might be about the person or your life. Therefore, be sensitive enough to understand the message, and take action when the need arises.

Whenever you dream of someone, the universe can bring this as a caution sign to stop you from taking hasty decisions.

For example, if you are about to make the mistake of hurting someone close, you can have this dream to inspire forgiveness.

Through forgiveness, you will reconsider your decisions, and tread on the path of light.

Final Words

Seeing someone in your dream is a spiritual sign. Therefore, never take it for granted. This article is full of exhaustive information. Therefore, make use of them for a proper understanding, which is beneficial for your life and relationship.

So, do you already know what does it mean when someone is in your dream? Feel free to leave your comments below!

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