Today I will talk about the spiritual meaning of a ring breaking for “no reason”. Let’s start?
Rings are one of the most desired accessories.
Some may forgo all other accessories but never leave the house without their rings on.
My mother is one of those who doesn’t wear much except rings. She can forget or intentionally not wear a watch or other pieces of jewelry but she will never leave home without her wedding and engagement rings on.
Rings don’t easily break, especially if they are made from silver and gold.
Other materials may be less resilient and can break easily.
But when a ring breaks regardless of their material then you may need to reflect on just what happened.
What Does it Mean When a Ring Breaks?
There is plenty to be said when a ring breaks.
Many people question the strength of the material used for the ring, but the better question is what does it mean when a ring breaks?
When a ring breaks, it is because the heavens are telling you that life can be unpredictable.
The ring breaking is a reflection of how things can change in an instant and that nothing is guaranteed in life.
You may be on top of the world one day, enjoying a high position and status but this can change overnight too.
Or you may be an athlete who practices and works out every single day, but gets into an accident and becomes immobile for months.
When the ring breaks, take a message that you need to always remember the unpredictability of life.
Things can change quickly and many times you will be dealing with so many curveballs.
Read this article with the meaning of jewelry breaking and falling off.
Spiritual Meaning of a Broken Ring
Broken wedding ring:
Even wedding rings can break. But this doesn’t mean that the marriage is doomed or likely to fail.
A broken wedding ring is a symbol that marriage requires hard work.
Sadly, many couples also give up quickly when their relationship goes through some challenges.
These couples either:
- File for a divorce immediately;
- One leaves the conjugal home or asks the other to leave;
- Files for a legal separation;
- Have lovers outside the marriage.
Many married couples no longer work hard to save the marriage.
And so when the wedding ring breaks, it is a sign that marriage is an institution that must be respected and every married couple should do their best to keep their vows.
Broken crystal ring:
A broken crystal ring is a reminder from above to take care of the fragile ones.
Crystals are valuable but they also tend to break easily.
A crystal ring breaking comes with a message to look after the fragile members of society and be gentle with them as much as possible.
The fragile members of society or family can be the little ones, the disabled, or the elderly.
In every society and family unit, there will always be members who need special care and attention. The broken crystal ring is a reminder to just do that.
Broken gold ring:
Ever heard of the saying “All that glitters is not gold”? You should keep that in mind when a gold ring breaks.
The gold ring breaking means that not all that seems like gold or valuable are indeed valuable. This is pretty much like the meaning of the above saying.
The broken gold ring should remind you that in life what seems valuable isn’t always what it seems.
The same can be said of the opposite. What seems to be worthless may be of high value.
A broken gold ring should remind everyone of these things.
Read the spiritual meaning of broken glass in real life.
7 Spiritual Meanings of a Broken Ring
1) Even the strongest can break
As mentioned above, some rings are unlikely to break because of the materials used to make them.
Silver or gold are pretty hard to break if the ring was created with a lot of attention and care. But sometimes, they still break despite the hard materials or the well-thought-of construction.
This is also one of the meanings of the broken ring. That even the strongest can break. That even the most resilient may not forever be resilient.
We must remember this so we can watch out for those who seem to be strong all the time.
This is also a reminder that our strength has its limit and we shouldn’t always push our luck and put our strength to the test.
The ring breaking is also a reminder that other people regardless of their resilience will have their weak moments.
I believe you should read the biblical meaning of rings in dreams.
2) Take care of what’s valuable
There is no denying that a ring is valuable. It may not necessarily have diamonds or other precious stones but for many, a ring is valuable.
And thus we must take care of it just like anything that is of value.
This is the message that the ones above are telling you when your ring breaks: we must take care of things we value.
Sadly, we often take for granted the ones that are important to us. This might be people, jobs, relationships, and other gifts. And we only realize how important they are to us once they are broken or lost.
The heavens want us to value what we have in the present rather than take them for granted.
Which is why sometimes the rings break.
We should ask ourselves if there are important things, people, or relationships that we are taking for granted and we must address this so they don’t break or get lost.
3) Plan for the future
Many people like taking things one day at a time to the extreme. Some people simply do not look far ahead and instead live each day as it comes.
When your ring breaks, it is actually a reminder for you to look towards the future. While there’s nothing wrong with being in the present, totally ignoring the future may not be practical either.
A broken ring is a sign from the ones above to be mindful of what you want to happen in the future.
The universe wants you to plan for the days ahead rather than just meet each new day’s challenges as they come.
The next time your ring breaks, ask yourself what your attitude about the future is.
4) Material wealth is not everything
Sadly, many people are attached to material wealth.
They either:
- Hold on to material things unnecessarily;
- Refuse to share with those in need;
- Compromise integrity to build wealth;
- Spend most time working for money.
When the ring breaks, this is because the universe is sending a strong signal to everyone to not be attached to the world goods in this world.
Character, integrity and compassion, and other great traits in life are also as important or even more important than material wealth.
When your ring breaks, you may want to ask yourself how attached you are to the material side of things.
5) Be careful of relationships
Relationships are sometimes like rings. Many times, they seem strong but they can break without a warning.
And this is one of the meanings when your ring breaks.
It is a sign of how relationships can be fragile and may break unexpectedly.
This only does not pertain to romantic relationships but even platonic ones.
The break in relationships could be among family members. You may, after all, end up fighting so hard against a sibling that you will end up not talking to each other.
The break could also be with a close friend who could also betray you.
6) Life is short
When the ring breaks it reflects the reality that life is short. For us, a ring breaking is unexpected. And so is the length of our lives.
The ring breaks because the universe wants to remind you of how fragile life is. One day your loved one may be fully alive and active but be gone the next day. The same can happen to you.
One day you are full of vigor and making plans for the future but the next day you may have already joined the creator.
The ring should remind you of how fleeting life can be and why it is necessary to make the most of each day.
7) You need help
For some, asking for help is quite difficult.
Many people, after all, prefer to do things their way or think that asking for help is a weakness.
When a ring breaks, it is a reminder that everyone will need help at one point or another.
Do not be shy to ask for it when you need it. No man will survive without others’ help.
Before you leave, read the meaning of a mirror falling off wall.
Is a broken ring a bad spiritual sign?
No, a broken ring is not necessarily a bad sign but rather a message to guide us to live better.
Do not panic when a ring breaks as it is not a sign of dangerous times ahead.
Final Words
A ring breaking doesn’t happen often. In fact, this occurrence can be quite rare.
When this happens, lean on your understanding and reflect on what the spiritual messages of a ring breaking carry.
Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same.