What is the spiritual meaning of dreaming in a dream? Why does this happen? Let’s find out!
Dreams are a special part of our lives. This is why we must never take them for granted. One of the ways the universe communicates with us is through dreams.
No matter how your dream turns out, it is still a sign from the universe – either good or bad. Understanding this will help you to embrace the different messages that come through dreams.
One of the ways to also understand what the universe is saying through dreams is what you experience in those dreams. Amongst all of these experiences is a special but rare experience called dreaming in a dream.
Undoubtedly, dreaming in a dream is a spiritual experience. It is almost like experiencing a flashback in another flashback.
This is a very rare experience. This is why it is special and should be treated as such.
It looks like a box of paradoxes, where two opposite things are happening together.
- How can you be dreaming, and still see yourself dreaming?
- How possible is it to see yourself dreaming in a dream?
These questions require an answer, and we will discuss them in detail.
Therefore, if you desire to find answers concerning the spiritual meaning of dreaming in a dream, you should read this article till the end.
Is it Normal to Dream within a Dream?
This experience is called a false awakening. Psychology and medical science believe that dreaming within a dream is one of the ways that your body deceives you.
It gives you this subtle feeling that you are awake, when in fact, you are not. This is not a medical condition. It is believed that reducing stress and anxiety can cure the situation.
However, the spiritual realm believes in the opposite.
Whenever it comes to having dreams within a dream, it is a spiritual condition.
This is beyond normal. It is a deliberate attempt of the universe to get your attention. Sometimes, this will happen to you whenever a message has to be delivered urgently.
Dreaming within a dream is spiritual, and not normal.
This is why it is rare. You might not have this experience in 5 years. The universe rarely uses this experience to speak to us.
However, whenever they do, it is best to listen to the message and act on further instructions. Whenever you dream within a dream, never treat it as a normal phenomenon.
Why do we have Dreams within Dreams?
Several reasons contribute to having dreams within dreams. Let us discuss them in this section:
- You will have dreams within dreams whenever you are anxious about something. You see, it is believed that our desires, anxieties, and passions have a way of affecting the things we see in our dreams, and the experiences we have in our dreams.
- This is why it is advisable to clear your mind off every anxiety before you sleep. Sleeping with anxiety might cause having dreams within dreams. This is a major reason for such experiences.
- Whenever the spiritual world has a message for you, you might have dreams within dreams.
- Sometimes, the message is important, but because of your lack of attentiveness, the universe will have to insert it into your dreams. This is why you will suddenly see yourself dreaming in a dream. Now, this is not a bad condition.
- You will have dreams within dreams whenever you are trying to manipulate what you see. Now, this is the bad one.
- The reason for this is that the manipulation will disrupt the flow of energy from your soul, sever your connection with the spiritual world (while you sleep), and distort the pure images from the spiritual world.
These 3 reasons are common among why we have dreams within dreams. Now, let us discuss the different spiritual meanings of having dreams within dreams.
Spiritual Meaning of Dreaming in a Dream: 7 Messages
When you dream in a dream, it is not a normal situation. I am sure that you understand and believe this already. There is a spiritual side to having dreams in a dream, and we will discuss this right away.
Whenever you dream within a dream, the following 7 spiritual meanings can be gleaned from that experience.
1) Self-deceit
This is majorly a warning sign from the spiritual world. Having a dream within a dream means self-deceit.
It is saying that you are hiding under a false mindset that everything is alright – when in reality, everything is not.
This type of mindset will blind you from the truth, it will blind you from doing the important things, and also slow you down on your journey to success.
2) Too many spiritual messages are coming at once
Yes, this is another spiritual meaning. Every dream we have is believed to be a message from the divine.
Therefore, whenever you begin to have dreams within a dream, it is a connection to several spiritual messages.
This means that the spiritual world is trying to send many messages to you at once. Most times, the dreams will unfold within each other because the messages from them are intertwined.
3) Someone is trying to send a message to you
Dreams are like movies. Whenever another dream begins to play in your dream, it is a sign that another movie is trying to disrupt your movie.
Now, this is not always going to be from the spiritual world. Your friend, family members, or a spiritual elder might also be sending a message to you.
Someone is trying to penetrate your soul, and deposit a message for you to get.
Therefore, pay more attention to the dream inside your dream to get the message from this individual.
4) Spiritual alignment
Having a dream within a dream is believed to be a sign of spiritual alignment. This means that your spirit is searching for the right plane to rest on.
For example, if you feel to have lost touch with the spiritual world, your spirit will go on a journey of alignment. It will begin to search for the correct frequency in the spirit world.
Now, the sign you will have is seeing dreams within a dream. It is a sign of spiritual searching.
Therefore, remain in that dream until the search is over. It is believed that such an experience will lead to spiritual awakening and discovery.
5) Something good is coming
Whenever you have an initial dream of losing money, but you slept in that dream, and dreamt about making millions, the most important is the second dream.
The universe is using this dream to assure you that something good is about to happen to you.
The first dream of losing money describes your life in reality, while the second dream of making millions is a prophecy of what will happen to you shortly.
Therefore, this is a message of hope and assurance.
6) Master your prophetic gift
The experience of having dreams within dreams might be a sign that your prophetic gift is trying to find expression.
Furthermore, it might be a sign that you have not developed skills with your prophetic gift.
Having dreams within dreams might be a sign that you have the special gift of a seer.
However, you need to master it properly. Doing this will help you to bring the gift under control. It will also help you to channel it properly.
7) Anxiety
Having dreams within dreams is a spiritual sign of anxiety.
This means that you are anxious about several things, and they are beginning to play out in your dream.
What is the universe saying with this dream? The universe is encouraging you to stop being anxious.
The bible encourages us to be anxious for nothing. Therefore, embrace this instruction from the bible, and trust God to help you out of your situation.
How to Interpret a Dream within another Dream
If you want to interpret a dream within another dream, pay attention to the following:
- The state of your mind before you slept. If you were anxious before you slept, then the dream might be an assurance. However, if your mind was at peace before you slept, then, it can be anything else (an instruction, guidance, caution, and so on).
- Pay attention to what happened in that dream. The images in that dream will give you a clue as to what the universe is saying.
- Pay attention to the dream you had before the second dream. This is not always necessary, but it can also give you a clue concerning the interpretation of a dream within another dream.
Having a Dream inside a Dream: It’s a bad Spiritual Sign?
No, it is not a bad spiritual sign. Having a dream inside a dream mostly brings assurance and caution. It speaks about nothing evil. Therefore, don’t be worried about it.
Should I be concerned?
Well, science might tell you to be concerned, but spirituality is saying you should pay attention.
These are 2 different attitudes.
Concern brings worry and anxiety, while attention brings clarity and purpose.
Therefore, rather than feeling concerned, pay attention to get the message.
Final Words
Don’t be scared of having dreams within dreams. It is not a bad spiritual condition. It has come to guide you, assure you, and answer the deepest questions of your heart.
Therefore, be attentive enough, pay attention to the information in this article, and you are on your way to enjoying the best part of your life.
Interesting articles:
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- Trying to Wake up from a Dream but Can’t: Real Meaning
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- If You Remember Your Dreams, is it a Message? Answered!
Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same.
Thanks so much, this particular article really answered my questions. I appreciate.
I’ve experienced this many times but not often. It’s like a year or years as a gap. My recent was 5-10 minutes ago. I searched for it ’cause I’m afraid of what does it trying to say. I always ignored it up until now. I think what I’ve read here is a bit of help. Since I tried to wake up in my dream it’s not that clear if there’s a message or what. But yeah I’m anxious before I slept. Hope everything will be alright for me soon, I need some miracle in my current situation. Thanks I guess.
I dream just two hours ago , dream within in my dream and dream again as 3rd stage of dream what does it means in my third dream i said their this is already was done and happen before.
I was dreaming while i was dreaming so i was dreaming that my dining room set was stolen . And when i woke up but still dreaming it was gone and
my house was a mess . So i figured i was robbed while i was sleeping
I have experienced this for the first time last night, I woke in a dream, but then I realized I am still sleeping. I can’t remember now the details of my dreams. I believe this is not anxiety related because I was feeling okay (and currently not stressed about anything) before I slept last night.
A couple months ago I had laid in bed and went to sleep, I then had a terrible dream seeing shadowy figures and just disfigured people I. The entirety of my dream. Then I died and woke up, but when I woke up there was a man like shadow figure with antlers coming out of my closest, I dropped to the floor and started yelling, everywhere I went he followed behind me and no one could see him, only I. And he was slowly draining life from me, at first I started to limp, them I couldn’t walk and he was pushing me in a wheel chair, eventually I couldn’t talk and was paralyzed, I tried to tell everyone I wasn’t crazy but no one could see him, I died. I woke up again. I was scared beyond anything I have ever been I felt like I was dreaming for hours all night, and I looked at my clock and I was asleep for 1 hour exactly
Sounds like the shadow came into proper perspective & you were finally able to describe him. And he wants to drain you of your life & there’s different stages in which will eventually lead to your death.
The spirit world is very real, & while some people see it in the real world, others of us see it in our dreams.
I went to sleep around 12:23 am and in my dream I dreamed that I was in my room sleeping and had my eyes shades just I went to sleep in reality and that while in my bed aleeling I felt baby hands and that I grabbed his fingers and that I couldn’t see his face but that I starting yelling in the I’m of the creator, the son and the holly spirit over and over and that I said I will not be afraid and I cried out for my mom and ran through some stairs to get to her because she knew. About the spiritual world and that I knew she will help me and that I got to her and threw the kid by her while she was sleeping on her bed and that she said to go take it outside and when I won’t to fearlessly take the baby that was hunting me I felt spirits telling me “do not mess with (the name of my boyfriend) Indiana wake up scared but I had a lingering feeling of energy thus made see fractals/energy visuals of negativity like images or dusty energy and felt almost empty. I noticed the this dream within a dream lasted kike 20-25 min since it was 1pm was this. Warning? My boyfiend mom and some of his family members dislike me and they are Santa muerte workshipers. I feel it is because they feel that my family methods with the spiritual world that I maybe doing things to retain him with me which I don’t. That dream within a dream made me feel weird
. Is this Message from them or is it a generated by fear?