14 signs from God, dreams, and the Universe reveal that you are pregnant, and in this article, we are going to discuss this.
Whenever it comes to having a baby or conceiving a child, there will always be spiritual signs everywhere. You only need to pay more attention than ever before.
Severally, some women don’t realize that they are pregnant until a few weeks after conception.
However, the universe has been giving signs, that they have not paid attention to.
When it comes to pregnancy and giving birth to a child, the spiritual realm is always attentive.
The reason for this is because it is believed that babies come from the spiritual world, and whenever they are about to enter the physical realm, there will be signs. Now, the signs you will get might be a little bit different from other people’s experiences.
Furthermore, if your baby is a special child, you might get several spiritual signs for the whole 9 months of conception.
All of these signs will tell you that you are pregnant, and can also open your eyes to see the future and destiny of your unborn child.
Therefore, pay attention to everything you will read in this article because it is very important. Do you wish to know the different ways and spiritual signs of pregnancy? Then, read this article till the end.
Can the Universe tell me I’m Pregnant?
Yes, the universe can tell you that you are pregnant. This is why you should pay attention to the signs around you. The spiritual world can tell you virtually everything you need to know about your pregnancy.
The universe can reveal to you the following details concerning your pregnancy:
The month of your pregnancy:
This might be hard to deduce except you have deep insight into spiritual signs. However, you should understand that the spiritual world can tell you the month of your pregnancy.
The universe can reveal the stage and current phase of your pregnancy.
Sometimes, this is meant to assure you that the day of delivery is near. At other times, it might be an encouragement to keep you patient.
The gender of the child:
This is another revelation to expect from the universe. Whenever the universe reveals to you that you are pregnant, expect to receive subsequent signs about the gender of the baby. It has never failed.
You are going to receive this message assuredly.
This article is not based on this subject. However, always be expectant to receive this. Even if the sign contradicts what the doctors have predicted, it is something to hold on to.
Even if you are not expecting a pregnancy…
Even if you are not expecting a pregnancy, the spiritual world can reveal to you that you have a baby in your womb.
Some time ago, a friend of mine called me and began to sob. She said that she just had a dream where the universe revealed to her that she was pregnant.
However, I knew that my friend was not married – so, how can she be pregnant? Well, it turned out that she had sex some weeks before the dream.
I tried to encourage her to embrace the message, but she disagreed. Today, she has a baby girl.
It happened exactly as the universe predicted and revealed. Therefore, if you are not expecting a baby, the universe can tell you that you have a baby in your womb, which might be a result of a mistake (sexual intercourse).
Is it Possible to discover a pregnancy through dreams?
Yes, it is possible to discover a pregnancy through dreams. You need to understand that dreams are a powerful tool of revelation and insight.
Even if you find it hard to understand spiritual signs in the physical world, these signs will be undeniable in the spiritual world. This is why your dreams are an important aspect of your life.
When it comes to pregnancy, there will be spiritual and physical signs.
The spiritual signs can come in the form of a dream or a physical-spiritual sign.
While the physical sign will be based on science and body chemistry. Therefore, expect spiritual signs to come in the form of a dream.
If you are attentive enough, you will know if you are pregnant or not through a dream.
You might be asking what type of dreams you will have. Well, just read a little bit further to discover these dreams. However, you must settle it in your mind that it is possible to know that you are pregnant through dreams.
Isn’t it just a mere dream?
No, it is not a mere dream. No dreams are irrelevant. If your dreams are pointing to the fact that you are pregnant, then there is a 100% assurance that you are pregnant.
There are dreams that predict pregnancy?
Yes, some dreams predict pregnancy, and you will see them later in this article. Now, don’t become too suspicious of your dreams because of this answer.
For example: if you had sex, and you are scared of getting pregnant, there is a possibility of interpreting every dream as a sign of pregnancy. No, it does not work like that. You are going to have distinct images in your dream that points to pregnancy.
There are 2 main reasons why people fail to understand these dreams:
- Anxiety and fear: This is for women that are not married, but had sex with a man. This category will be anxious and scared of getting pregnant.
- This fear will be heightened whenever they don’t have their monthly menstrual discharge (which might be a medical condition). For this category, they will often interpret every dream as a sign of pregnancy – mostly wrong interpretations.
- Expectancy: This is for the women that are expecting a child. Just like Sarah and Hannah in the bible, these women can do anything to have a child. They can even coin out a dream and attach pregnancy to it. Most times, they also miss out.
Therefore, to understand the dreams that predict pregnancy, you need to be calm in your mind at all times.
7 Signs in Dreams that you are pregnant
This is where we will see the dreams that speak about pregnancy. There are 7 dreams, which serve as a sign from the dream world that you are pregnant. Once you have one of these dreams, prepare for pregnancy (mentally and physically).
1) You are walking on flowers
In the spiritual world, flowers are closely associated with fruitfulness and giving birth to a child.
Severally, women that give birth constantly are called “blossom”, and this is a word that describes a flower.
Therefore, whenever you see yourself walking on flowers in a dream, it is a sign that you are pregnant.
This dream will come earlier than other dreams because it is meant to create awareness, and prepare you for the pregnancy test result.
Furthermore, it can be a prophetic message that you are going to become pregnant. However, once you have this type of dream, prepare to have a baby.
2) A ripe bunch of bananas
Now, if you are a lover of bananas, this might seem funny to you.
However, it is a clear message about being pregnant. Whenever you dream of seeing a bunch of ripe bananas, it is saying that you have a baby in your womb.
Most times, the universe will use this image to reveal that the child in your womb is more than one. That is, dreaming of seeing a ripe bunch of bananas is saying that you are likely to give birth to twins or triplets.
3) Playing with a baby doll
One of the images that speak about babies is a doll. Baby dolls are figurative expressions of having a baby.
Therefore, you need to pay attention to this dream whenever it comes to you.
Whenever you dream of playing with a baby doll, it is saying that you are going to have a baby very soon.
Playing with a baby doll in the dream is the same as playing with your baby in real life.
The doll was used as a representation of your baby because the baby is still in the womb. Whenever this dream comes to you, it is a clear indication of pregnancy.
4) Seeing a baby angel
Now, you might be asking if a baby angel exists? Well, baby angels exist, and you can see one in a dream as a sign of pregnancy.
Whenever you see a baby angel running up and down in a dream, this is an indication of pregnancy.
The bible says that children are like angels in the presence of God.
This is why God can use baby angels to signify that you are going to be pregnant soon.
Pay attention to this dream. In most cases, it happens just once and never comes back until you deliver the child.
5) A tree with fruits
This is a common dream in Africa. Africans believe that a woman that gives birth to children is like a tree with numerous fruits.
Therefore, if you are an African woman, having a dream of a tree with fruits is describing who you are. It is saying that you have a baby in your womb already.
You are the tree, while the fruits are the babies you will give birth to.
Now, what if the fruits are uncountable, does it mean that you will give birth to 100 children?
No, it might indicate fruitfulness, and be a warning sign against having too much unprotected sexes.
6) You see yourself pregnant in your dream
Whenever you see yourself as pregnant in a dream, it is talking about your physical state.
Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream is an indication that you are going to have a baby.
If you are not married, then you are having this dream because you already had sex, which has led to pregnancy.
This is something you should pay close attention to.
Whenever you see yourself pregnant in a dream, it is an indication that you are already pregnant in the physical.
8) Finding a gold bar in the dream
In the African culture, seeing a gold bar in a dream is believed to be a sign of getting pregnant in real life.
If you ever had this dream in the past, then there is a high possibility that you are pregnant.
Children are referred to as gold, therefore, everyone that dreams of finding a gold bar should be happy.
This dream mostly comes to barren women, that is, if you have been expecting a child for so long, having this dream is an indication that your prayers have been answered.
7 Signs from the Universe about Pregnancy
Whenever you see the following signs, they are from the universe concerning pregnancy.
1) A man giving you an apple
Whenever you dream of a man giving you an apple, it is believed to be a gift from the universe. The apple is similar to a male child. This is a sign which says that you are going to receive a child as a gift.
2) Picking a fruit
If you dream of a man who takes you to a fruitful farm, and tells you to pick up a fruit, it is a sign that the universe has given you an option to choose which child you will love to have. This is a sign that the universe is blessing you with a child.
3) Baby cries
This is a common sign from the universe about pregnancy.
Whenever you hear a baby cry in your dream, this sign indicates that you are going to be pregnant very soon.
Therefore, prepare for conception. If you have been expecting a baby, this sign is a piece of good news to keep your hopes high.
4) A child calling out to you
Whenever a child calls you “mummy” in a dream or in real life, then the universe is saying that you are in the season of giving birth. This message is meant to prepare your mind for conception.
5) You see yourself delivering a baby
Dreaming of delivering a child is a spiritual sign of pregnancy. This is saying that you are going to have a baby very soon.
Most times, this sign will come to people that have never delivered a baby before.
This is a sign of new beginnings. It indicates that you are entering a new phase of your life, which is motherhood.
6) A letter
Whenever you dream of seeing a letter “I am coming soon – signed baby”, as funny and weird as it looks, it is a sign that you are going to have a baby. It is believed that your baby is communicating with you through this letter.
7) Genesis 17:18-19 in a dream
This is also a sign that God is going to give you a child.
In this verse, God promised Abraham a child. Therefore, seeing this in a dream is similar to receiving God’s promise that you are going to have a child soon.
Spiritual Ways to detect Pregnancy
The following are spiritual ways to detect pregnancy:
- Check what people are saying to you. Whenever people continually talk about giving birth to a baby, it might be a sign that you are pregnant.
- Another way to detect pregnancy is through the dreams you have. Whenever you have constant dreams about getting pregnant, it is a clear sign that you are pregnant in real life.
- If you hear a baby cry in real life, this is also another way to know that you are pregnant.
- You can detect pregnancy by looking out for the physical signs of pregnancy. Once you begin to see them, it is another spiritual-physical way of saying that you are pregnant.
4 Signs god wants you to have a baby
Whenever you see these 4 signs, it is saying that God wants you to have a baby.
Testimonies about giving birth:
If everything you hear is testimonies about giving birth, then it might be a clear indication that God wants you to also have a baby. He wants you to also share your testimony.
People talk to you about having a baby:
This is also a sign to look out for. Once you observe that the major discussions you engage with people are about having a baby, then this is God saying that it is time to have a baby.
You dream of receiving baby items as a gift:
This is saying that God has blessed you with fertility. Therefore, it is time to have a baby. Once you dream of receiving baby items as a gift, then start preparing to buy baby items in real life because your baby has come.
You suddenly desire to have a baby:
God can use your desires as a sign. Once you suddenly have a strong desire to have a baby, it is a clear sign that God wants you to have a baby.
Pregnancy and Spiritual Awakening
Because babies are spiritual beings, becoming pregnant with them will heighten your spiritual senses.
Pregnant women are more spiritually sensitive than other women because they are closely connected to the spiritual world through the pregnancy stage.
Therefore, if you are pregnant, learn to pay attention to the spiritual signs around you.
Final Words
With the information in this article, you have discovered the different ways to tell if you are pregnant. Make use of these ways for yourself, and share with your friends. Doing this will make pregnancy not a surprise when it comes.
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Julia is a world-renowned spiritual teacher from Sweden, who quit her job at Google to pursue her dream of becoming a digital nomad. I help spiritual seekers step into their purpose and power. Passionate about astrology, meditation, nomad life and the law of attraction.