Irrespective of the part of the world you live in, screaming from sleep is not totally strange.
People across the world have testified to having at least experienced sleep terror at least once.
Several things can be responsible for screaming from sleep:
- For some, it’s a result of a scary nightmare.
- Some are being chased in the dream, and they wake up screaming and panting as though they were running in real-time.
Having a very stressful day or going to bed with feelings of anxiety and depression can also lead to night terrors which can consequently result in screaming from sleep.
If you’re experiencing sleep paralysis or you’re screaming consistently from your sleep, you might want to see a medical practitioner, as it could also be a symptom of an underlying illness.
Is it normal to scream in your sleep?
Irrespective of how common this experience becomes, it’s never a normal experience for you to scream in your sleep.
There’s always an ulterior meaning, something that you need to pay attention to either physically or spiritually.
When a lie goes on for too long, people begin to mistake it for the truth.
That people have been screaming out of their sleep, doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s a normal experience that everybody should have.
On the other hand, looking at the massive number of people that have had this experience, one could be forced to think it’s normal.
When you look at the frequency with which they have this experience too, it suggests normalcy.
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Can screaming in your sleep be a sign of night terrors?
Yes, it can be a sign of night terrors.
They’re called “Night Terrors” for a reason.
It would make no sense if they aren’t terrifying and they’re called that.
Screaming is a very natural response to terror.
Night Terrors are a common occurrence that people experience from the age of 12 years old and this continues even when you’re an Adult.
So it’s no longer a strange phenomenon.
Different studies have been made into why people have this experience and people now know themselves better.
They’re now more in touch with themselves.
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Spiritual Meaning of screaming in sleep
Have you ever thought that maybe there’s something that your subconscious is trying to pass across to you?
Or probably there’s a meaning you’re supposed to uncover from the experience. Maybe from the dream or nightmare that led to that experience?
Either way, screaming in your sleep isn’t something that you should take lightly, you should pay enough attention and get to the root of the matter.
It could be that your subconscious is trying to take your mind on a journey and your mind is too encumbered to yield to it.
Hence, in this case, screaming is a forceful way in which your subconscious lays hold of the mind.
For this, you would find out that you would go back to sleep after the scream, you’d have a sound sleep and your subconscious would have communicated things to you.
It can also be an outburst of pent-up emotions.
In real time, some people just go to a solitary place to scream intensely to let out tension.
Per adventure you go to bed angry at life, frustrated about several things, and your inner self might resort to screaming to release all those negative energies and built-up tension. In this case, you’d find out that you’d wake up with a renewed and re-energized focus.
It could also mean that you’re trying to receive a message from the divine but the message is encountering a blockade in your spirit, so the screaming is the message trying to force itself through.
Usually, you would get clarity after the screaming fiasco.
You just need to stay alert.
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5 Spiritual reasons of screaming in sleep
As we’ve previously seen, there is more to screaming in sleep than just being chased in the dream. And one must pay attention to all the possibilities involved.
1) Spiritual Awakening
Screaming in your sleep can be a call for you to wake up spiritually speaking.
This a wake-up call for you to dump all the laxity and procrastination you’ve been ladened with about your spiritual journey.
This would manifest itself in weak intuition, you would feel disconnected from your inner self and also disconnected from the divinity around you.
So screaming from sleep in this instance is to let you know where you’ve fallen and need to make amends.
Ensure you correct it as soon as possible, so the screaming can stop.
2) Impending danger
Screaming in your sleep can also be a warning sign. A warning sign of danger ahead of you, so you want to pay attention well to this.
Usually, this happens when the universe has been trying to warn you through other means but you’ve been ignoring those warnings or you’re not even seeing them as warnings.
This is the universe’s way of breaking into one of your natural activities to warn you of the danger ahead.
Usually, the scream might be a result of showing you part of the dangerous things that’d happen if you don’t take certain steps that’d become clear to you after the experience.
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3) Feelings of neglect
You can call this a protest by your subconscious.
Your inner self saying “enough is enough“.
You would experience this if your ideas and what you have to say have been consistently looked down on by your friends and colleagues at work… And knowing that you can offer more than you’re presently doing, frustrates you.
Screaming from your sleep is a way your subconscious is telling you to speak up and not just wait for them to give you your turn, they might never give you.
So you have to seize your moment and let your voice be heard.
4) You need to let go
If you’re holding up feelings of hate, unforgiveness, malice, guilt, and other toxic emotions, screaming from your sleep is a sign that it’s time to let all those go.
You might not realize that it has been hampering your progress, as that’s the only case your subconscious can call on you by force.
So just as you’re letting out those sounds in a scream, you can forcefully let those emotions go as well, it might not be easy but it’s for the better.
You’re going to become a better person for it and you’d also become productive and progressive in all areas of your life.
5) A call to Prayer
Screaming in sleep can also be a sign that dark energies are trying to seep into you.
Thus the scream is to remind you that you need spiritual cleansing and guidance from things higher than you.
So it’s to jerk you to go to God in prayers, for guidance and protection.
It’s your inner self letting you know that it needs divine help as the dark energy is pinning it down.
Yielding to such a call to pray, results in heightened sensitivity to spiritual things, and you make your connection with the divine stronger. It’s important for your spiritual well-being.
It’s not new that people get solace, help, comfort, and succor in prayers and it is capable of lifting whatever burdens might be on their hearts at any point in time. Hence, you should take your inner self, calling you to pray very seriously. You must do it.
Read here the meaning of feeling someone touching you while you sleep.
Is screaming in sleep a bad sign?
As we’ve seen so far, it can be a bad sign but it can also be a good sign.
You’d have to pay attention to other things around it.
Either other signs that the universe has been sending your way or the dreams that led to those screamings if there are any.
You mustn’t leave it to chance and “what will be will be” you might not like the outcome of that.
Ensure you’re diligent enough to find out why you had such an experience per time.
Should I protect myself spiritually?
Well, if you can, yes.
But you should know that there are still some screamings that won’t stop even if you protect yourself.
Particularly those that have to do with your inner self trying to warn you or break you free of something.
But you can still go ahead to protect yourself from bad dreams generally.
Final Words
Conclusively now, screaming in your sleep can have different meanings.
The meanings can vary from fear to being a warning sign! Screaming during sleep can even be traced to your deepest emotions.
You, therefore, need to explore the spiritual meaning and implications behind the dream that led to the screaming. Doing this will cause you to do self-reflection and self-introspection. You’d become better for it.
I hope you had a good read. Enjoy.
I love what I write, I write about what I love. I share my knowledge about spirituality (and beyond) through articles on Angelical Balance and videos on my Youtube channel.