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9 Cedar Waxwing Spiritual Meanings: Symbolism and Totem

9 Cedar Waxwing Spiritual Meanings: Symbolism and Totem

A uniquely plumed bird with a distinctive, sweet song, the cedar waxwing is a bird you’d easily recognize.

The colors of the feathers can be very bright and bold in color, and the face is distinctive with its mask-like features. 

Linked with good fortune and luck, harmony and peace, and secrets. There are several positive messages you can take from the waxwing.

On the flip side, there are also warnings and darker messages that you perhaps need to see.

Maybe you need to be more charitable and less selfish or stop letting pride get in the way of getting the things you want and need. 

Let’s dive into the cedar waxwing and its symbolism

Cedar Waxwing Symbolism

Cedar Waxwing Symbolism

If you look at the face of this bird, you’ll see that it has a dark mask, usually black or very deep brown in color, around the eyes.

For many, this is symbolic of wearing a mask in real life

If you have seen a cedar waxwing or had a dream involving one, perhaps you are the one wearing a mask.

Alternatively, maybe the spirits or universe are trying to send you a message, warning you about another person who might be wearing a mask… and who might be about to hurt, upset, anger, or betray you. 

This bird species has many other spiritual connotations and could convey other messages, however, including

  • Good fortune;
  • Patience;
  • Independence;
  • Balanced lifestyle; 
  • Harmonious living.

Read the complete meaning of seeing a phoebe bird.

Cedar Waxwing Totem Animal Meaning

Cedar Waxwing Totem Animal

People who have the cedar waxwing as their totem animal are often very calm, very respectful, and open to listening and new ideas.

They’re patient and calm, and they can easily see two sides of the debate

This bird can be called upon when you need a little help with a difficult situation, or just for when you feel out of balance.

It can turn up when you’re being too prideful or selfish, but it can also bring with it peace and joy

Read the meaning of birds in the Bible.

Spiritual Meaning of Seeing a Cedar Waxwing

Seeing a Cedar Waxwing

This bird species has been linked to different spiritual meanings and messages over the centuries, and it’s quite an important species in the history of many civilizations.

Sometimes seen as a symbol of change, the waxwing was once believed to glow in the dark. Sadly, it doesn’t.

But that doesn’t mean it has lost its close link to all things bright and joyful.

Also read the meaning of seeing birds flying in front of you.

Cedar Waxwing in Dreams Meaning

Cedar Waxwing in Dreams

Birds often relate to freedom or wanting to feel free when they pop up in dreams.

If the bird is a cedar waxwing, the freedom message could still be the same. But more leaning towards a life that is happy, harmonious, balanced, and free.

I believe you should read this article with the meaning of birds in dreams.

9 Cedar Waxwing Spiritual Meanings and Messages

9 Cedar Waxwing Spiritual Meanings and Messages

One very important message you can take from the cedar waxwing is one of resilience.

There’s something to be said about adapting to new situations and overcoming obstacles.

Being adaptable is what helps this bird to stay alive and well. They’ll move from place to place to find food… and they eat a lot of food

There are other spiritual meanings and messages behind this bird

1) Yearning for Harmony

The cedar waxwing can be seen as a symbol of peace, calm, tranquility, and harmony.

If you don’t have enough of these things in your life, the bird could be a sign that you need it.

It could also be a sign that you’re about to have all those things in your future.

The message will depend heavily on other things that are going on, as well as your own personal feelings about the bird itself. 

If you’re left with a feeling of happiness or positivity after a bird sighting or a dream about the cedar waxwing, the overall message or meaning is likely to be a positive and happy one

When the overall situation or dream has dark, sad, or upsetting features, the message or meaning may not be as bright or joyful.

Also read the meaning of hearing birds chirping at night.

2) Good Fortune and Good Luck

In many places around the globe, the cedar waxwing is a good omen and a sign of good luck and good fortune.

This is specifically the case in East-Asian countries.

Ornaments of this bird species are sometimes placed in the home or workplace, to enthusiastically encourage good tidings. 

Place a cedar waxing figure or ornament close to your front door for protection properties.

You could also wear it as a charm on a piece of jewelry, as an iron-on patch on clothing, or embroidered onto a bag. 

3) Secrets, Secrets, Secrets

Once upon a time, very important and secret letters, sent from very important people were sealed with a wax seal, to ensure that they weren’t opened and read by anyone along the way.

The bird’s waxed feather and wing tips are a symbol of exactly that: secrets

  • Do you have a secret? Are you keeping a secret for someone else? 
  • The wax seal didn’t share the letter’s secrets… so perhaps you shouldn’t, either. 

You will need to take all aspects of the dream into consideration before concluding, though.

Read the spiritual meaning of seeing an American Robin.

4) You Are or Will Be a True Survivalist

And no, I don’t mind the Bear Grylls kind.

Cedar waxwings, just like other waxwings, will move around from place to place in order to survive.

If there’s no food where they are, they’ll fly to another place and stay there for a while, until reserves are low/empty there, too.

The same applies to other resources; the birds will move around to find it

Essentially, the cedar waxwing does whatever it needs to do, to survive…  And perhaps you need to, too

5) It Must Be Love, Love, Love (Maybe)

Seeing a waxwing in or around an apple tree could be a sign that you have romance, dating, or love in your close future.

That’s not the only linked meaning, however.

Some spiritualists believe that it is a sign of good health, whereas others associate it with overall feelings of contentment and happiness

6) Don’t Be Afraid to Stand Your Ground

Waxwings in general are pretty comfortable being around humans. Unlike other birds, they won’t quickly flutter away as soon as they see a human coming.

And they’re not afraid to stand their ground and carry on doing whatever it is they’re doing. 

This could relate to a few things in your life, such as:

  • Overcoming your fear(s);
  • Standing your ground in an argument or debate;
  • Being brave.

These things are easier said than done, but if you don’t try, you’ll never know just how successful you can be

7) Ask for Help if You Need It

Many people find it really tough to ask for help when they need it. Pride gets in the way, alongside other emotions.

Independence is good, but there is such a thing as too much independence. 

There is help for every single problem you have.

It doesn’t matter what it is, there will be an organization to call, a person to ask, or a website to browse.

You won’t ever find help if you don’t ask for it. And not asking for it could stop you from realizing your dreams, achieving your goals, and generally getting through life. 

If you’d take a painkiller for a headache, why wouldn’t you accept help from someone who can give it, when you need it

8) Show a Little Selflessness

When was the last time that you did a completely selfless act?

When male and female waxwings come together to breed, the male will donate a berry or similar to his potential partner.

It’s the same as buying a date flowers or paying for dinner on a date. 

This doesn’t mean that you need to go out and do those things for your date, but it does mean that you need to look inside yourself a little.

If the universe is telling you to be a little more selfless, perhaps you’ve been a little bit selfish… 

9) Be Wary of Being too Indulgent

Would you like to know a fun fact about the humble cedar waxwing?

Sometimes, the bird will binge-eat fruits, such as berries, that are overripe and fermenting. That will, of course, lead to slightly drunk birds

You could say, it’s nature’s punishment for being a little too indulgent

Now look at your own life. Have you been a little indulgent somewhere?

Maybe you’ve been overeating, or drinking too much alcohol, or enjoying far too many forbidden fruits

Being indulgent every now and then is okay. But when you go overboard and do it all the time, the ending isn’t likely to be good.

Read the meaning of seeing hawks flying around you.

How Do You Know if Something is a Spiritual Sign or Message?

Cedar Waxwing in tree

Without sounding too much like a cliché, you’ll just know when something, such as the cedar waxwing or another bird species, is a spiritual sign or message.

It’ll stand out and be obvious, as though you’re meant to see whatever it is.

Repeatedly seeing the same thing is often seen as a sign that you’re not paying attention.

First, you notice the thing. Then, you put the rest of the puzzle pieces together.

Before you leave, read the meaning of seeing an owl at night.

Final Words

Seeing lots of your spiritual symbol (in this case the cedar waxwing) is often seen as a sign that your message is going to be multiplied.

Five birds could mean five times the amount of joy or good fortune. On the other hand, it could be an indication of time – maybe you have five months or five years to go. 

Either way, the cedar waxwing bird has a positive spiritual meaning.

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