You’ve been thinking about paws, a tail, and those eyes. You are wondering whether to get a cat for yourself, a black one.
Black cats have been associated with mysticism and superstition long ago!
Without any shadow of a doubt, people often see black cats as the harbingers of bad luck, and believe in myths.
The truth is that some cultures also believe these cute furry friends to be symbols of good fortune and protection.
In short, black cats are considered sacred creatures with spiritual qualities and abilities in many parts of the world.
Indeed, there is more to every black cat than just a life full of bad luck.
Even more so, perhaps you’ve been watching reruns of Sabrina and The Teenage Witch and noticed how funny her familiar Salem is. After all, he’s a black cat, too!
Whether you’re curious about this mystical world or simply a huge cat lover, stay with us to explore the spiritual significance and meanings of owning a black cat;
Black Cat Spiritual Meaning
Black cats have so many places in our spiritual hearts, whether that be a familiar for your witchy self, a companion, a neighboring adventurer, or a healer.
Cats have played this role for centuries, holding very high importance.
Regarding the spiritual meaning, black cats have been accused of being transformed witches or companions of witches, with a history filled with superstition and bad luck.
However, the reality is that these creatures of intuition, luck, and fortune bring lessons for one to learn through during their spiritual journey.
In Celtic tradition, black cats are fairies, and in Egypt, they were created as gods that dealt with diseases and fertility, so, in current times, they are considered equally magical.
Also read the spiritual meaning of seeing a black cat outside your house.
Does Owning A Black Cat Have Many Spiritual Benefits?
Owning a black cat is like saying yes to a journey to your intuitive side.
Bonding and understanding a black cat also connects you to your subconscious energy as you learn to be observant of the animal’s behavior.
Many people who go down the spiritual route encounter cats. Some are chosen by cats, and not the other way around, where the feline visits their house and decides to stay.
These lucky omens represent the universe looking out for you, so it is sending you a black cat as a companion.
Black cats offer you protection, see spirits, help relax your body and teach you the art of personal boundaries!
Once you go, cat, you never go back!
Also read the meaning of seeing a lot of black cats.
What Does Owning A Black Cat Mean Spiritually?
Owning a black cat means you own the black cat as part of your family in every way.
Spiritually, this means that you have a journey to take to expand your awareness of the universe.
Your ownership is a path familiar to exploring, questioning things, and taking time to sharpen your intuition.
The universe wants you to explore your abilities!
Especially if someone is looking into energy work or just exploring their spirituality, these beautiful animals are considered familiar to those who already have this path of the soul, whether they be writers, witches, healers, or someone growing into their spiritual awareness.
9 Spiritual Meanings Of Owning A Black Cat
Here we will explore the spiritual meanings that come with owning a black cat, and I’m sure some of these have already crossed your mind before!
1) You Are Forever Protected
Owning a black cat means that you have formed a bond with an animal that is very lucky.
Black cats are known to hold energies that heighten your intuition and bring good luck to your fortune and power.
Depending on your culture, having a black cat will change its meaning, but it also depends on your personal beliefs.
Having a black cat in your life is also having a spiritual guide, for these animals are known for their ability to predict the future.
Has your black cat comes to you in a difficult situation to make you temporarily forget your problems or offer you an ounce of support?
A black cat can come into our life when we struggle to provide hope to carry us through.
I believe you will love this article about the meaning of a stray cat choosing you.
2) Don’t Be Afraid Of Negative Energies
If you’re someone who gets afraid of spooky energies or that you feel like you’re having spells cast on you, know that black cats can kick these to the curb.
It is the cat that any mischievous spirit or energy has to worry about, for these animals are great for cleansing spaces.
Cuddling with a black cat will lower your blood pressure and bring you warmth.
Owning a black cat is to remind yourself that only people believe in random things without research, such as superstitions, and you know better.
You know better now to be curious about life and question it.
Having a cat will make you look forward to your day positively.
3) A Black Cat Ward Off Obsessing Spirits
Obsessing or clinging spirits will now have to stay away due to the cat.
Cats cannot only see spirits but also are known to communicate with them.
A black cat of yours will warn them to stay away from you and not influence your life in any way.
Have you ever seen your black cat staring at something you can’t see? It might be a glaring match to push unwanted energy out of the room.
To you, it might look like they are chasing thin air, but who knows? The black cat could be literally trying to meow away spirits that just won’t respect your space.
4) A Black Cat Takes Care Of Its Owner
Having a black cat bonded to you means that it would like to spend time with you and protect you.
With the cat roaming around your house, it is protecting its territory and yours.
This is a physical and energetic protection being offered by the black cat.
Your black cat is taking care of you spiritually and owning you.
As an animal that walks the line between the spirit and the human world, it will use its ability to take care of you in the best way it knows how to, even if you don’t realize it at first.
5) Does The Cat Rub Up Against You? He Is Purifying You!
With the ability to neutralize any bad energy, the cat is trying to cleanse your energetic field by rubbing against your body.
This process of purifying is there to make sure you are able to release your pent-up energy and any energy that has gotten attached to you since the last time you saw the cat.
So think of this as a caring, concerned energetic brush down and enjoy that you are cared for!
6) Does The Black Cat Sleep With You? He’s Protecting You!
Sleeping or resting is the one time a cat is most vulnerable.
If the black cat is sleeping with you, it shows how much trust it has in you and how you’re now part of its family.
Sleeping or resting is also a state of vulnerability for your cat, and its presence is there to be alert to any dangers while you are unconscious.
By sleeping with you, the cat is protecting you physically and energetically.
A black cat might sleep with you to help you with nightmares, wanting to offer comfort to you even when it comes to dangerous dreamlands.
Your cat is alert and ready to ward off any spirits that try to affect you when you are sleeping!
Read this article about seeing a dead cat in dreams and in real life.
7) The Black Cat Protects You From Your Enemies
Have you seen your black cat very wary of strangers and even people it is familiar with?
A black cat can provide warning signs when a situation is about to go haywire or somebody doesn’t have good intentions. Your cat is fine attuned to the energy around and can judge it better.
If you are attuned to the communication of your black cat, with time, you’ll learn to also read energy and avoid conflict where possible.
Besides this, the black cat’s energy wards away any malicious energy that would hurt you, with its protective energy ensuring you are safe.
8) The Black Cat Protects Your Home Spiritually
A black cat living in your house will help keep any weird energies at bay.
Think of the animal as a protector of your home for any bad vibes or intentions sent your way.
A black cat will be alert and sensitive to any shift in the energies present and may even try to communicate with you to forewarn you if something feels off.
Growing your sensitivity and spiritual awareness can leave us open and vulnerable to various energies.
Hence, a cat companion provides the perfect protection to balance out and shield our space energetically.
9) The Black Cat Is Your Best Friend!
Cats are known to be very independent animals, so if one is spending time with you, it wants you to know that you are loved.
The universe shows love through many forms of nature, creation, and even animals!
For some, a black cat might purr, rub against your legs or be there to show you affection.
A black cat that has decided to spend time with you is letting you know that it is fond of you, loves you, and thinks of you as family and a friend.
The black cat cherishes you.
Read the meaning of seeing a calico cat in your house.
Should I Have A Black Cat?
While most people avoid adopting or caring for black cats because they misunderstand that they bring bad luck, they can be one of the sweetest companions.
If you’re looking for an animal to share your secrets with, make good memories with, and enjoy the company of, a black cat is a purr-rfect choice.
The answer is always a yes!
More than this, you should know your black cat will protect and love you. A black cat will offer your energetic protection and ward off any bad energies, reducing chaos in your life.
The answer is always yes unless you’re absolutely terrified of these beautiful animals.
On a random note, you’ll even be able to discern between people who believe silly rumors about black cats bringing bad luck and those who know to research what they believe in.
Having a cat can actually help you understand the people around you better, judging from how they react to the black cat.
Final Words
Overall, having a black cat in your life is a blessing.
Remember, you might think you’ve chosen to keep the cat, but the truth is, the cat is the one who always chooses you.
If you’ve gained the trust of a black cat enough for it to want to live with you, consider yourself loved.
Animals can always see past the surface of humans to their true intentions. And that is why, they choose to be with us when we choose to be with them. It is special!
Julia is a world-renowned spiritual teacher from Sweden, who quit her job at Google to pursue her dream of becoming a digital nomad. I help spiritual seekers step into their purpose and power. Passionate about astrology, meditation, nomad life and the law of attraction.