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Spiritual Meaning of Nose Piercing on Left Side

Spiritual Meaning of Nose Piercing on Left Side

There is no doubt that nose piercings are beautiful. Let me tell you a secret *shhh, don’t tell anyone!

I always have a silent crush on ladies with nose piercings.

Recently, I spoke with a friend concerning this new obsession of mine, and I discovered he finds these ladies attractive as well. 

Therefore, it is extremely beautiful and unique to pierce your nose on the left side or right side. 

However, have you ever stopped to think about the reason you chose the left side of your nose? Do you think it was merely inspired by fashion? 

Well, that decision was not inspired by fashion or your thoughts. It was inspired by the universe or the higher spirit. And this is for a reason

I have discovered some unique meanings of this piercing on the left side. I think you should read this article to find out these spiritual meanings. 

At least, this will help you to either stick with your decision to pierce the left side of your nose (if you haven’t pierced it, though) or switch to the right side of your nose. 

Trust me, this is an interesting piece you don’t want to skip. 

Stick around to find out the spiritual meaning of the nose piercing on the left side. 

Why you should choose the left side to make a nose piercing

Woman with a piercing on left side of the nose

A lot of people have asked why they should choose the left side to get a nose piercing. 

Here are some reasons for you to consider:

  1. The left side of your body is believed to be connected to the left hemisphere of your brain. According to spirituality, this part of your brain is responsible for intuition, spiritual connectivity and so on. Therefore, piercing your nose on the left side will activate your third eye. The third eye is your ability to see spiritual things and understand the unseen world around you.
  1. As a male, when you choose to pierce your nose on the left side, it means that you are trying to balance your masculine and feminine energies. The left part of the body is connected to feminine energy. Therefore, as a man, this piercing means that you are not ignoring your feminine side. Rather, you are trying to acknowledge it and balance it through the nose piercing on the left side. 
  1. In lunar astrology, the left part of the body is associated with the moon’s energy. When you pierce your nose on the left side, you are aligning yourself with the energy of the moon, which helps your intuition and emotions. 
  1. Choosing to do this also helps you to express your individuality and uniqueness. It helps you to feel free to be different from people.

These are 4 major reasons why you should choose the left side of the nose for piercing.

It also makes you look a lot more attractive because your left side helps you to express your feminine energy.

Read the spiritual meaning of a piercing on the right side.

9 Spiritual meanings and powers of a nose piercing on the left side

Spiritual meaning of a nose piercing on the left side

There are 9 spiritual meanings and powers of a nose piercing on the left side. 

This explains why a lot of people are piercing the left side of their nose. Furthermore, it explains why you should do the same

1) You will enjoy the energy of the moon

Earlier on, I explained that people pierce the left side of their nose to align with the moon’s energy. This is one of the spiritual powers of left nose piercing

Once you do this, the energy of the moon will begin to work for you. 

When this happens, you will enjoy clarity of mind, mental focus, and heightened spiritual awareness. 

Furthermore, you will feel energetic to complete your daily activities even when it is dark.

The reason is that your alignment with the moon causes its light to send energy into your core. With this, you can complete your tasks.

Read the complete spiritual meaning of braids.

2) Refuse to feel intimidated

Piercing your nose on the left side fills you with confidence. It also motivates you to refuse to be intimidated by anyone. 

When you pierce your nose on the left side, it means that you have decided to embrace your uniqueness and individuality.

Doing this will attract mockeries, persecution and so on. 

You must be ready to go through all of these without yielding to the pressure. 

Every time you wake up with that piercing on the left side of your nose, be reminded to never feel intimidated because of your uniqueness

3) Inner fortitude

Going through the pain of a nose piercing on the left side builds inner fortitude and resilience in you

Every time you see this piercing in the mirror, it reminds you that the pressures of life cannot break you. 

This piercing constantly tells you to never quit. Rather, have a strong resolve to make tremendous progress.

Through nose piercings, inner fortitude is built. People are trained to face their worst fears and conquer them. 

4) Refuse to be silenced

I grew up in an environment that was hostile to ladies. However, a revolution began, which empowered ladies and led to their freedom. 

Do you know why? It is because they refused to be silenced. They embraced their femininity and were proud of themselves. 

You might not be going through the same precarious situation. 

However, piercing the left side of your nose should always remind you to speak up for whatever you think is right.

If you are starved of your privileges, the piercing on the left side of your nose empowers your throat chakra to confidently demand your right.

Find out what does nose twitching mean spiritually.

5) Stay focused on what you want

One of the spiritual meanings of nose piercing on the left side speaks of focus

The moment you decide on what you want to accomplish in life, stay focused on that path irrespective of what happens. 

It is believed that nose piercings help people to be focused. It gives them the dedication and commitment needed to achieve their intended goal. 

In the same way, you must remain focused on what you want

6) Self-Love

Nose piercing helps people to love and appreciate themselves much more

I find people who pierce the left side of their nose attractive!

Unfortunately, some of these people have been met with hostility because they chose to be different. 

If you are like these people, then, the universe is telling you to appreciate yourself much more. 

That is, refuse to focus on the opinions of people about you. 

Also, if you always care about people’s opinions, then you might need to pierce the left side of your nose.

This gives you a form of super confidence that nobody can crack

7) Attracting good luck

It is believed that people who pierce the left side of their nose attract good luck

For example, women who pierce the left side of their nose are believed to find their soulmates faster than those who don’t.

Beyond marriage, these people also attract favors and become the center of attention and focus

Therefore, if you dream of wearing gold rings on the left side of your nose, it could imply that something good is going to happen to you soon. 

In real life, having a nose piercing on the left side means that you are a magnet for good luck.

Open up yourself to receive this goodness.

Read the spiritual meaning of a mole on the nose.

8) Protection 

People with nose piercings are believed to be protected from negative energy and evil spirits.

If you have a nose piercing on the left part of your nose, then you are protected from evil spirits and negative energy. 

What if you don’t enjoy this?

Well, the only reason could be ignorance or unbelief. You possibly have not heard of this before or never believed it. 

This is why you need to have an open mind. 

That piercing on the left side of your nose releases protective energy. It wards off spirits from your environment. 

9) Feminine Energy

The left part of our body represents our feminine side, which helps us to express our creativity. 

Furthermore, it helps us to become more compassionate and understanding. 

For females, the piercing on the left part of your nose helps you to embrace your femininity much more. It brightens you up and helps you to play your part in the universe. 

For males, it helps you to embrace your feminine side.

This ensures that you become more emotional, compassionate, and understanding.

It also enhances your creativity and intellect. 

With all of these, it is clear that beyond the beauty that comes with nose piercings on the left side, there are other spiritual benefits, powers, and meanings attached, which you need to understand to enjoy.

Read the spiritual meaning of burning sensation on skin.

I have a piercing on the left side of my nose! Is it good?

Woman with two piercings on left side of the nose

Yes, it is good to have a piercing on the left side of your nose.

This piercing attracts good luck to you. 

It wards off negative spirits and keeps your environment rid of bad energy. 

Furthermore, piercing the left side of your nose helps you to embrace your individuality. 

Final Words

The decision to pierce the left side of your nose is left to you!

However, according to cultural and religious contexts, it is highly significant and carries spiritual powers and benefits. 

If you have a nose piercing on the left side, this article just explained who you are.

Embrace this for an inner transformation. 

1 thought on “Spiritual Meaning of Nose Piercing on Left Side”

  1. This article is so beautifully written. Thank you for standing out from the rest of the articles online. You really dug deep and made it very personable. Now I know I’ve made the best decision. Blessings to you.

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