Today I will explain what is the spiritual meaning of using a nose piercing on the right side of the nose.
It is fashionable to pierce your nose. In the medieval traditions of certain tribes, nose piercing is a sign of wealth and affluence. It is believed that those who pierced their nose during those times were from royal families or wealthy and influential families.
However, the narrative has changed today. Everyone can pierce their noses for any reason that is best known to them.
This does not take away the spiritual significance of nose piercing, and we are going to discuss this in more detail.
- Is there more to nose piercing than the fashionable aspect?
- What are the spiritual meanings of nose piercing?
These, and many more are the questions we are going to be answering in this article.
Before you pierce your nose, ensure you read this article till the end to find out the different spiritual significances of piercing the right or left side of your nose. You will find clarity and a more spiritual purpose to pierce your nose, rather than just for fashion and class.
Is there a Meaning to Nose Piercing Sides?
There is a spiritual meaning attached to the sides of your nose. Every pair of our bodies have spiritual significances and meanings, which have a direct impact on our lives. Therefore, whenever you pierce your nose, the sides matter.
There is a meaning to the different sides of your nose that you have decided to pierce. Some of these meanings can be good, while other meanings can be bad.
Therefore, it is best to understand this in more detail before deciding to embark on a nose piercing activity.
When you understand the spiritual meanings of a right and left nose side piercing, you will be able to use it as a guide to give the clarity and direction that is needed for nose piercing.
Therefore, if you need a confirmation about the spiritual meaning of nose piercing sides; then, here is it. There is a spiritual meaning to nose piercing sides.
There is not much information about these spiritual meanings on the internet.
Therefore, you are going to get the direct messages, which are based on different experiences of people mixed with deep researches into spirituality.
Spiritual Meaning of Nose Piercing on the Right Side
Piercing of the nose on the right side comes with a positive sign and character. The right side is a symbol of confidence. Whenever you pierce your nose on the right side, you are portraying yourself as confident in your abilities.
Therefore, you have to ensure that you derive strength from your inner intuition to be able to handle the pressure that comes from the display of such confidence.
People will react negatively when they realize this; therefore, you have to be emotionally prepared to respond and withstand antagonism from the people around you – most especially those you trust.
The right nose piercing is a sign that you are confident in your personality and ability.
Therefore, the people who don’t want you to have healthy self-esteem will try to talk you down.
Another spiritual meaning of a right-side nose piercing is the decision to remain consistent with your life. The right side of our body is believed to be the analytical side. This is the side that does a lot of thinking.
Therefore, when you pierce the right side of your nose, you are simply deciding to remain consistent. This is because of the inspiration you have gotten from the universe.
Spiritual Meaning of Nose Piercing on the Left Side
Nose piercing on the left side means that you have decided to pay more attention to your spiritual side than your physical side.
When you pierce the left side of your nose, it is a deliberate attempt, which was inspired by the universe to devote yourself to discovering your spiritual self.
It is a sign of spiritual awakening, and this will often attract a lot of positive energy into your life.
The people around you might never understand these truths. However, these spiritual meanings are real.
When you pierce your nose on the left side, it is time to go on a spiritual journey into discovering who you are in the spiritual realm, and what divine abilities you have as well.
5 Left Side Nose Piercing Meanings
There are 5 spiritual meanings to left nose piercing. These spiritual meanings will lead you into the significance of piercing your left nose, and it will also aid you in making the right decision of what nose to pierce.
The universe can use nose piercings to communicate with you. Let us see the 5 messages that can be received from the left nose piercing.
1) Fertility
In the Indian tribe, it is believed that a left nose piercing is for fertility and childbearing. It is believed that the left side of the body is associated with the reproductive organs of a woman, which will ultimately affect fertility.
Therefore, the left nose piercing is synonymous with making way for a woman to conceive. It is believed that whenever a woman is experiencing difficulty in child-bearing, it is because an evil spirit has blocked her reproductive organs from conceiving.
A ritual is always performed, which is called an incision.
It is said that the left nose of such a woman will be pierced to release every negative energy that has prevented the woman from conceiving.
The hole in the left nose will create room for childbearing.
Therefore, the left nose piercing is a good sign of fertility. It is a sign that all of your efforts will yield massive results and yields. If you are married, the left nose piercing on your wife is a sign of fertility in childbearing.
2) It relieves females of menstrual cramps
The power in the left nose piercing is also good for menstrual cramps.
In the African tradition, the nose piercing is always used as a charm against menstrual pains because of the absence of adequate healthcare.
It is believed that the left-side nose piercing is going to release every pain that comes with the menstrual cycle of a woman.
Therefore, if you always experience unbearable pain, you can pierce the left side of your nose to alleviate that pain and become more comfortable during your menstrual cycle.
3) A protection charm
Piercing your nose on the left side carries a protective spell.
It is believed that the left side is closely associated with the black color, which is a color of defense and protection in the spirit world.
Therefore, piercing the left side of your nose will give you adequate protection against every negative energy.
It is believed that the left side of your nose can protect you from spiritual attacks from the evil people around you.
Furthermore, the blood from the pierce helps to purify the atmosphere around you from dark magic. The protection charm of the left-side nose piercing is powerful enough to keep you safe from every negative energy.
4) You are in search of answers
The left side is mainly associated with our emotional self, which can also be called the feminine side.
Therefore, piercing the left side of your nose is a sign of a deep search for answers. If you find a male, who pierces the left side of his nose, it is a sign of confusion.
The reason for this is that it is generally believed that the left side of the nose is meant for females alone.
After all, the left side of the body carries the feminine and sensual energy.
Therefore, it is rare for a man to pierce his nose on the left side. For this to happen, it is a sign that such an individual is seeking answers. It is a sign of dissatisfaction with your current way of life, and a yearning to find a better life in your path.
5) It amplifies your emotional strength
It is believed that the left-side nose piercing will make you emotionally stable. The reason for this is the emotional strength it releases into your consciousness.
Emotional imbalances will be taken away by the left nose side piercing.
It is believed that the nose piercing on the left side will restore balance to your emotions. You will become emotionally strong, which is a good sign of maturity.
5 Right Side Nose Piercing Meanings
The right side is mainly associated with masculine energy. Although, this does not restrict women from piercing the right side of their nose.
In the fashion world, you should pierce your nose based on the shape of your head and the position of your hair. However, in the spirit world, this perspective might not hold any weight.
Therefore, let us look at the different spiritual meanings of right nose piercing.
1) Good luck
Piercing the right side of the nose will attract good luck into your life. In every tradition and religion, the right side is always a positive sign.
Therefore, the right side of your nose is a positive sign that something good is going to happen in your life.
If you desire to attract prosperity into your life, then you should pierce the right side of your nose. The blood will release the positive energy, which will attract good luck and wealth into your life.
2) You will find love
If you are seeking a soul mate, you should pierce your nose on the right.
It is believed that this will foster a deep spiritual connection between you and your soul mate wherever they are.
If you are deeply in search of your twin flame, piercing the right side of your nose will lead you to him/her at the right time. This is why a lot of single ladies pierce the right side of their noses while they are single.
Although the right side of the nose can also be pierced by a husband who has newly gotten married to his wife, it is believed to connect soul mates with themselves.
3) It will shower you with healthy self-esteem
Piercing the right side of your nose is going to shower you with healthy self-esteem. In history, nose piercing is connected with men of wealth and affluence.
Therefore, anyone who has a nose piercing walks around the town with their shoulder up high because of the attention they get from people.
This is spiritual.
Piercing the right side of your nose will change your perception of your life. It will open up your eyes to see the divine abilities in you, and how valuable you are to your world. It will fill you with confidence.
4) It will enhance your inner intuitive abilities
The right side of the body is connected with our analytical self. This is the center of all thoughts and logic.
Therefore, whenever the right side of the nose is pierced, the universe will have access to your thoughts, and this will enhance the superpowers of your inner intuition.
With this, you will not be confused about what to do anymore.
5) Divine provision
In the ancient Indian culture, a man will pierce the nose of his wife as a sign that he is capable of taking care of her.
Therefore, whenever you pierce the right side of your nose, the universe will take care of you. It means divine provision. This will always come together with the first spiritual meaning of the right nose side piercing.
Should I Choose the Left Side or Right Side?
This decision is left to you.
Nobody can make that decision for you because the side you choose depends on what you desire. If you desire to find love, then you should choose the right side. If you want to prosper, then you should choose the right side.
However, if you need protection from negative energy, then the left side of your nose is the best side to select. Therefore, the decision on which side of the nose to choose is dependent on what you desire to attract into your life.
Final Words
Nose piercing is a painful experience, but it carries a deep spiritual meaning and significance.
From this article, I am sure that you have discovered something new about nose piercing, which goes beyond the fashionable aspect of this body marking.
Therefore, allow the spiritual meanings of nose piercing to guide you on as regards the side of your nose that should be pierced, and your disposition to the act of nose piercing.
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Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same.
Can I pierce both sides? What are the spiritual benefits of effects of doing both sides?
Great question Priya, I was wondering the same thing! Would love to know the answer as I’ve had the left side done and thinking of having the right done next.
Interesting article! I’m considering getting a right side nose piercing, and this article has given me some good insight into the spiritual meanings behind the piercing. Thanks for writing!