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7 Spiritual Meanings of Hand Placement While Sleeping

7 Spiritual Meanings of Hand Placement While Sleeping

Your sleeping position tells a lot about your life and your personality. This has always been believed to be true by all cultures and traditions. 

Through your sleeping position, the spiritual world can communicate several messages and come to you

Therefore, have you been concerned by your hand placement while sleeping? If yes, then, get ready to get the answer you are searching for.

In this article, I will be talking about several hand placement positions with their spiritual meanings and messages

Furthermore, other questions will be addressed. Are you ready? Then, let us get into it.

Spiritual meaning of hand placement while sleeping: 7 Positions

Spiritual meaning of hand placement while sleeping: 7 Positions

When sleeping, there are 7 ways to place your hand.

Each of these positions comes with a specific spiritual meaning and interpretation. Let us discuss them:

Hand under the face – Right side:

Woman sleeping with right hand under her face

When you sleep with your hand under the right side of your face, here are spiritual messages you should keep in mind:

  • This means that you should expect something good to happen in your life;
  • It is also believed to be the spiritual sign of an inner awakening and your spirit is sensitive;
  • Another message from this inspires you to stay consistent on the path that you have chosen.

By sleeping with your hand under the right side of your face, it shows that you are not worried about anything.

Sometimes, it might be difficult to know if you had this position while sleeping – except you wake up in the same position.

However, if you discover that you slept with your hand placed under the right side of your face, then, the meanings above are for you.

Read the meaning of crossing your legs while sleeping.

Hand under the face – Left side:

Woman sleeping with hand under left side of the face

Sleeping with your hand under the left side of your face can also happen. You don’t need to force this to happen.

Whenever the spiritual world wants to communicate certain messages to you, your hand will position itself in this manner without your active participation. 

The moment this happens, here are divine messages you should keep in mind:

  • It is time to begin a new journey;
  • This could also indicate that you are worried about something;
  • A sign like this is an indication that your spiritual senses are awakening;
  • This could also be a sign of protection;
  • When you sleep in this manner, the universe is encouraging you to keep your emotions in check.

In some cases, this could be an omen of emotional healing.

Always pay attention to the hand placement positions.

The moment you notice your hand under the left side of your face, these are the messages you should keep in mind

Hand under the pillow:

Man sleeping with hand under pillow

This is one of the common positions I assume while sleeping. I have gotten used to it.

However, I have never ceased to acknowledge the spirituality surrounding this position. 

Let me share some of the spiritual meanings I have gotten from sleeping with my hand under the pillow:

  • This is an indication that you are not comfortable with the current phase of your life;
  • It is also believed to be a reflection of the distress in your soul;
  • Placing your hand under the pillow means that you need to rediscover who you are;
  • When you sleep with your hands under the pillow, it is also believed to point to a spiritual awakening.

For those with amazing potential, this position could mean that you have refused to make use of the talents and skills you have.

So, this could be a sign that you are hiding a secret.

Therefore, be sensitive to this sign. It is an omen you can get from the spiritual world. It’s rich with spiritual meanings and messages that can transform you.

Read the meaning of sleep with your eyes open.

Hand on chest:

Woman sleeping with hand on chest

Sleeping with the hand on the chest is another spiritual position to assume while sleeping.

Through this, the universe can communicate the following spiritual messages to you:

  • It indicates that you are expecting something to happen;
  • With your hands on your chest (while sleeping), the universe is telling you to be patient;
  • It is also believed that assuming this position means that your soul is praying even while you sleep;

Sleeping with your hands on your chest is also believed to be a sign of confidence.

Hand on the back:

Strange sleeping position

This is a rare position. However, it can happen as well. 

Have you suddenly woken up to realize that you slept with your hand on your back? Trust me, you will wake up in pain!

However, I want you to look beyond the pain and pay attention to the following spiritual messages you might be getting. 

  • It could be a reflection of your vulnerability;
  • Sleeping in this position is a sign that you have been betrayed by too many people;
  • The spiritual world might also be encouraging you to watch your back always;
  • With this type of position, the heavens are inspiring you to remain disciplined.

Since this is a unique position, it might also be encouraging you to embrace your uniqueness.

Spiritually, this is not a common occurrence. However, whenever it happens to you, here are the messages you should keep in mind. 

Hands touching legs:

Sleeping touching legs

When your hands touch your legs while sleeping, there are many spiritual meanings attached. Below are some of these meanings:

  • This means that you are searching for answers;
  • It is also believed to be a sign of self-awareness;
  • With this position, your chakra points are healed ;
  • Through this position, you are being called to spiritual awareness;
  • Spiritually, the universe might be encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone;
  • It is believed to be an omen of good luck;
  • Whenever this happens to you, it might also be a sign that you should be bold.

Touching your legs while you sleep means you should watch out for your health.

Spiritually, this means you should get ready to take certain actions about your habits.

Another spiritual meaning attached to this sleep position talks about loving who you are.

In the spiritual world, touching your legs while you sleep tells you to take advantage of the opportunity you have.

Read the meaning of sleeping with mirrors in your bedroom.

Hands on stomach:

Woman sleeping with her hands in stomach

Placing your hands on your stomach while you sleep also has its spiritual meaning. This is a common way to sleep.

Therefore, a lot of people have failed to pay attention to the spiritual side of it

Let me list out some messages you should keep in mind and act upon.

  • Sleeping with your hands on your stomach means that you are worried about something;
  • It is also believed to be a sign of fear and anxiety;
  • This could also be telling you to be alert;
  • Sleeping in this position is also telling you to unveil your hidden potential.

With your hands on your stomach (while sleeping), the universe is encouraging you to pay attention to your inward intuition.

When this happens to you, it means that you are not taking care of your health.

Read the spiritual meaning of screaming during sleep.

Spiritual meaning of waking up with arms above your head

waking up with arms above your head

Whenever you wake up with arms above your head, it implies that you have refused to let go of your past.

The universe is using this to encourage you. Just like your arms are above your head, it is time to surrender and finally let go of the past

Another spiritual meaning of having this experience speaks of being too vulnerable.

That is, your mind is too fragile and a lot of people are taking advantage of it.

It is time to do something about it.

Refuse to allow people to take advantage of you anymore.

Read the meaning of hearing your name called while sleeping.

Spiritual meaning of praying hands while sleeping

praying hands while sleeping

When you sleep with praying hands, it shows your devotion to God.

Spiritually, this implies that you are spiritually sensitive. It reveals that your spiritual senses are fully functional. 

Sleeping with praying hands also implies that you are not willing to give up on prayer.

It means that you are ready to continually pray until God hears you.

Finally, this encourages you to have faith in God. It inspires you to trust God much more than ever before. 

Spiritual meaning of sleeping with hands on the throat

sleeping with hands on the throat

As funny as this sounds or looks, it is also highly spiritual. When you sleep with your hands on your throat, it implies that the universe is encouraging you to speak up.

This is a sign of confidence

Through this, you will learn to never be cowardly in how you relate with people.

You will also begin to speak up for yourself and demand what belongs to you

Final Words

What happens to you during your sleep is beneficial. It directly affects what happens when you wake up.

This is why you should never trivialize what you just read. 

The information in this article will be beneficial to your spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being. 

Share your thoughts with us in the comment section. 

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