Owls make noises to convey various things. Sometimes they hoot to indicate territory or as part of their mating ritual. This was one of the few things I retained when we studied owls many years back.
One time my friend shared with me that she was hearing howls the last few days.
She would be at home and she would hear an owl making noises even where there was none nearby.
Sometimes it would be three hooting sounds at night, one time she heard an owl way past midnight. I can stress her distraught as she shared this with me.
I told her to just pray for now as I needed to mull over hearing owls making hooting sounds.
There are several possible spiral meanings to what she is hearing I told her.
As soon as I figure out what this means, I will put it into writing and share it in a post.
So, here we are discussing what hearing owls means, particularly hearing an owl hoot three times.
What Does It Mean When You Hear An Owl Outside Your House at Night?
When you hear an owl outside your house could mean different spiritual messages.
This is heaven’s way of acknowledging your worries and telling you to have faith.
Spiritual Meaning of Hearing an Owl Hoot 3 Times
Hearing an owl hoot 3 times at night meaning:
When you hear an owl hooting three times at night, then take this to mean that the heavens are telling you to stop spreading yourself too thin.
Perhaps you have been doing so many things, trying to accomplish several goals at the same time.
For example, you may be trying to quit smoking and losing weight at the same time while trying to get a promotion at work.
The three hooting sounds of owls you hear could be a sign that the heavens are telling you to slow down.
This is a rebuke that you are trying to accomplish too many things at once.
Simply choose one or two goals to work on at the same time.
Read the spiritual meaning of seeing an owl at night.
Hearing an owl hoot 3 times during the day meaning:
When you are hearing an owl hoot three times during the day then take the time to reflect on the quality of your friendships.
This could be heaven’s way of reminding you to also make good friends a priority or to focus on the quality of your friendships rather than the quantity.
The ones above may be noticing your lack of time and attention to good friends.
They may also be questioning your need to surround yourself with many friends all the time and instead redirect you to have smaller circles.
Think well and deeply about your friendships when you hear an owl hoot three times during the day.
Read the spiritual meaning of seeing an owl during the day.
Spiritual Meaning of Hearing an Owl Hoot at 3 AM
Be extra vigilant when you hear an owl hoot at 3 a.m!
If you’ve heard more than one owl at night, you’ll love what comes next!
Spiritual Meaning of Hearing Two Owls at Night
When you hear two owls at night, then take this as a message from the heavens to have a heart-to-heart talk with the supreme being.
When was the last time you made time and had open communication with the creator?
The heavens have likely noticed your lack of interest in talking to the supreme being as honestly as possible.
You may be praying but they are hurried ones, simply mouthing some words you have already memorized.
Spiritual Meaning of an Owl Making a Lot of Noise at Night
When you hear an owl making a lot of noise at night, then this is a message from the universe to be careful with your words.
Ever heard of the saying, ‘less talk, less mistake’? This is the message the ones above are trying to convey when you hear an owl making a lot of noise at night.
When you hear the owls, likely, you cannot make a distinction with the kind of sounds they are making.
7 Signs From Hearing an Owl Hoot 3 Times
1) Shut up and listen
Hearing an owl hoot three times could be a message from the heavens to shut up and listen.
Sadly, many of us continue to just talk and talk but do not hear others or the universe when they are the ones talking.
2) Say I love you more often
Are you the type who shies away from saying the three words “I Love You?” If you are and you hear the owl hoot three times, then the heavens could be telling you to say these three words more often.
It is likely a reminder from the ones above to say how much you love others. Be open and express your love for those who are dear to you.
The three hoot sounds from the owl you are hearing could also be the universe’s way of reminding you to share your blessings.
Reflect on what you do with the blessings or gifts you receive.
Do you simply keep them to yourself or are you sharing what you have with others, especially with the needy ones?
The heavens are reminding you that you can be a blessing yourself to others as long as you know how to share.
4) Three small bad luck
You may also want to be careful when you hear an owl making the hoot sounds three times.
This could be the universe’s way of telling you that three small bad luck may come your way soon.
You may for example experience unusually heavy traffic and be late for an important meeting.
You may then have someone spill coffee on your shirt the same day or the following day and miss a deadline the succeeding days.
These are small things like running into unexpected heavy traffic when you can’t afford to be late or a development that could delay your timeliness or annoy you so much.
Make sure to have enough patience for the next few days and weeks.
5) A new pet
The three hooting sounds from the owl you are hearing could be a message from the universe that you will soon be adopting a new pet.
It isn’t necessarily an owl or a bird, but it could be a furry friend or scaly animal.
The heavens want you to experience caring for another life not necessarily that of a person.
The universe would be sending you a pet so you could experience unconditional love for another creation of the supreme being.
6) Stop pretending
If you have been under some major pretension, and you hear three hooting sounds of owls, then take a spiritual message that you need to stop pretending.
This is actually a sign of heaven’s displeasure over what you are doing because pretending comes with many lies and deception.
You are also hurting others with all your lies.
7) Everything will work out
Believe that everything will go well in your life.
The owl is not a bad omen that you should fear.
We must take advantage of the owl’s message to be more attentive and to make better decisions regarding our future.
Should I Be Concerned Spiritually?
Yes, be concerned when you hear three hoot sounds from an owl.
This is likely a message from the heavens of something good coming your way or some bad things you will have to endure.
Find out here if owls are associated with good luck or bad luck.
Shall We Conclude?
Three owl-hooting sounds should make you sit up and notice the universe.
After all, this could be a sign from the heavens of displeasure, great news, or even bad ones.
Do not ignore the three owl hooting sounds as it has a spiritual purpose.
Passionate about spirituality, numerology and spiritual accounts. I write about my spiritual experiences to help all those who go through the same.
Every night for several weeks we can hear an Owl in the patch of woods caddy to our property. It’s 3 hoots, hoot hoooooot hoot hoot . We live in Florida and believe to be A Great Horned Owl. Every 20-30 seconds the Owl hoots. I didn’t get any bad energy nor my wife. Owls don’t bother us, I have an Owl tattooed on my arm. We both have several deceased loved ones, also 5 ashes of remains of some of our loved ones. I’m in need of some enlightenment if possible
I’ve been hearing Owl Hoot over and over again, in 3’s so I was wondering if it was my boyfriend that passed away on Jan 5 2019. So what does that mean?
Owl hoot at home at that time my other was sick surprisingly even came to my place hoot am staying 126 km from home after 2 weeks my mother dief
Last nite late last nite I heard an owl hoot next day I received great news I have a new great nephew was that the message
wow! I heard from my brother that passed away many years ago yesterday while driving over to a clients house that was very spiritual and we both had some serious family issues with family members of having problems that seemed maybe possibly similar when my brother spoke to me I was driving I could feel his face and I said is this really you and he said yes and there was lots of little details that I could feel so I called my sister and I had a long talk with her about everything and she had a bunch of memories flashing up and then I am in a transition I am a artist transitioning into acting and filmmaking it’s been challenging and this morning I woke up and I’m expecting money and I still haven’t received it so it’s upsetting but then I looked at one of my email addresses and found out that my film is in a film festivals on Amazon or some thing or people can finally see it!! It’s based on a true story and it’s called Who Is This?
I forgot to mention the reason I looked up this article is because I heard an owl in the middle of the night but I believe they hooted more than three times it was very very peaceful but I did hear some wrestling outside there are a lot of squirrels and animals outside in the backyard so I shut my door and then I thought about it today and I realize that I had a meeting so I looked it up and during the day I was driving to a spiritual clients house of mine and my brother who passed away a long time ago came in to me while I was driving and started communicating with me his face was very clear I asked is this you he said. yes it is me and I called my sister right after that and she had all these memories flashed up about my brother who passed away and how one time she saw me sleeping and she saw him right there with me and it was after something very tragic happened to me I passed out on Southern comfort and my parents had to pick me up from a teen center! In the meantime my brother was telling me to go forward with the film that I wrote and produce it.
I have heard a dream where someone i could not see was straggling me and i couldnt breathe….then when i woke up i heard an owl hooting more than even 3 times…
Am feeling very scared because i dont know what to think. I will appreciate an explanation
Have any of you ever read the book “I heard the owl call my name?” I am an old lady and I had to read it in grammar school. It kind of generates my thinking………everytime I go outside at night to fire up our wood stove in the garage and I hear the owl hoot I know there’s going to be a death in the family. The last ones were our dogs and /or family members. It is not something I like to hear. And yes “I give a hoot” as well because owls are so beautiful but they are “dark” animals meaning they are from the night.