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8 Chakra Bracelet Meanings: 7 Chakra Stones Meaning

8 Chakra Bracelet Meanings: What Does it Mean for Us?

What is the Chakra bracelet meaning and what are the 7 chakra stones? Let’s find out!

Have you felt unstable recently? It is because your chakra is not supplying the energy you need. Once there is a disruption in your chakra, there will be an effect on your psychological and emotional life. It is believed that whenever there is an unstable vibrational frequency in our body, we will become imbalanced and unstable.

Therefore, you must ensure that your chakra is functioning properly, and supplying the necessary energy and vibration that you need.

Chakra is the force that runs through our bodies. It is believed that everything around us is made of energy and vibrations. This is called chakra. A positive chakra is also called a positive chakra, and it is responsible for all the positive emotions we feel.

The emotion of faith, hope, optimism, and courage are the results of positive chakra. The negative chakra brings negative emotions like fear, depression, and other negative emotional energy.

The energy that circulates in our chakra is responsible for our actions. It either enhances these actions or stops us from taking certain actions. Your chakra determines your life. It determines your actions. It determines how you relate to people. According to the Indian traditional beliefs, the chakra is our life force. It is the source of our essence.

Therefore, you need to protect your chakra from becoming contaminated or exposed to negative energy. The chakra bracelet is a special amulet that can protect your chakra. It comes in different symbolic colors.

We will discover the different spiritual meanings of the chakra bracelet, and the spiritual meanings of the chakra bracelet colors. Read on to find out more about this spiritual concept.

What is a Chakra Bracelet?

Chakra Bracelet

The chakra bracelet is a spiritual amulet that heals your chakra. Whenever you sense an imbalance in your chakra, you can make use of the chakra bracelet to heal up your chakra.

It is believed that the chakra bracelet has divine power to bring balance to your chakra and seal up every rift caused by negative energy.

The chakra bracelet comprises seven colors, which address the seven different points of our chakra connection. The chakra bracelet is made of chakra cleansing stones.

These stones are made of 7 powerful colors that represent the energy points across our body parts. Each of these colors is represented on the chakra bracelet and supply the energy that is needed to balance your chakra or heal your chakra. 

Chakra bracelet has existed for hundreds of years. According to history, chakra bracelets were originally made for females because it was believed that they are the majorly affected ones due to their high emotional energy.

However, with time, the chakra bracelet was designed for men, and it has been effective in healing and balancing your chakra energy.

A chakra bracelet can be mistaken for a piece of original jewelry because of its beautiful colors and gemstones. However, you have to understand the power of the chakra bracelet. In case you have not seen a chakra bracelet before, look at the image below.

Chakra Bracelet

This is how the chakra bracelet looks. There are different designs of chakra bracelets.

However, the picture above can help you to recognize the chakra bracelet.

The color of gemstones represents the different chakras in our body and these gemstones supplies energy for each of your chakra points.

What does a Chakra Bracelet do?

Chakra Bracelet powers

The chakra bracelet carries out the following functions:

  • It stabilizes your chakra energy point. If you have been going through instability, you should use the chakra bracelet for yourself. The chakra bracelet will balance your chakra energy point. 
  • The chakra bracelet supplies energy to your chakra points. If your vibration is at a lower frequency, you can use the chakra bracelet to increase your vibration to a higher frequency. It supplies support to your chakra.
  • The chakra bracelet will also boost your self-confidence. If you have been battling with insecurity, the chakra bracelet will boost your self-confidence. It will supply you with the courage to go for your dreams and never reduce your gusto.
  • The chakra bracelet will bring relaxation to your mind. If you have been battling depression and confusion, the chakra bracelet takes away every form of negative energy. It brings calmness to your mind, which takes away every form of unrest in your soul.

These are the few functions of a chakra bracelet. Using the chakra bracelet delivers beyond your expectation, and some of the results you will get are instant, and with lasting effects.

Chakra Bracelet Spiritual Meaning: 8 Spiritual Powers

Chakra Bracelet Spiritual Meaning

Chakra bracelets have 8 spiritual messages. There are things to learn from the chakra bracelet. Everything around us is for a reason; therefore, we must be vigilant and sensitive enough to pick spiritual messages from the things and beings around us. 

Chakra bracelets are beyond ornaments. They carry divine power and can bring the following spiritual meaning to us.

1) Self-confidence

Using the chakra bracelet carries a spiritual meaning of self-confidence. In life, we will be faced with situations that will make us doubt our ability and intelligence.

Sometimes, this happens to us through the people that are close to us.

When this happens, our self-confidence will be greatly affected. However, seeing a chakra bracelet or using a chakra bracelet brings this confidence back to your life. You might also dream of the chakra bracelet. This is a sign of boosting your self-confidence.

2) Don’t be agitated

The bible talks about coming to Jesus and receiving rest. Wearing jewelry in some parts of the world is one of the ways to get closer to the universe.

Therefore, whenever you see the chakra bracelet in your dream, the universe is telling you to not be agitated. Dreaming of wearing the chakra bracelet is an indication of rest to your soul.

If you have been going through hard times, the chakra bracelet brings relaxation to your soul.

It brings a strong message from the universe that you should not become overwhelmed and troubled in your soul.

3) Clarity

The chakra bracelet carries the spiritual meaning of clarity. Whenever you wear the chakra bracelet, it will clear your mind and open your inner eye to spot the necessary details about your life’s journey.

If you have to battle with confusion, the chakra bracelet is a sign that your confusion is over.

It is an indication that the universe has sent the light to shine on your path. It is a sign that you will know what to do because clarity has come to your mind. The chakra bracelet has come to take away your confusion.

4) Protection

The chakra bracelet is an agent of protection from evil attacks.

Whenever you see the chakra bracelet, the universe is sending a reassuring message to you about your safety.

You might have been feeling unsafe and vulnerable. However, with the chakra bracelet, you will be safe.

Dreaming of wearing a chakra bracelet is an indication that the universe is protecting you from every form of danger and harm.

It is an indication that you are safe from negative attacks. In the bible, it is called “Touch not my anointed”. This is a spiritual meaning attached to the chakra bracelet.

5) Positivity

The chakra bracelet is a sign of positivity. Whenever you see the chakra bracelet, the universe is inspiring you to get rid of every negative energy.

You might not be able to do this on your own; but by opening up your mind to absorb the energy in the gemstones of the chakra bracelet, you will be able to expel every negative energy.

Dreaming of the chakra bracelet is a clear indication of positivity. The universe is inspiring you to be positive. The universe has come to indicate that negativity has some terrible consequences, and you should avoid it.

6) Healing

The chakra bracelet can speed up your healing process. It is believed that rings and protection spells are good for healing. However, with the powerful gemstones attached to the chakra bracelet, you will not get amazing healing benefits.

Whenever you are sick, and you see the chakra bracelet, it is a sign that you will be healed.

Furthermore, this does not have to be physical. It might be emotional or psychological.

Whatever it is, the universe has used the chakra bracelet as an indication of your healing. You might receive an instant healing, or go through the process for some seasons.

7) Good luck

The chakra bracelet is a sign of good luck.

A friend of mine found a chakra bracelet on his window frame, and in 15 days, he won a lottery. Several testimonies like this have flooded us concerning the power of the chakra bracelet.

Therefore, you should expect good luck to come into your life with the chakra bracelet.

Apart from balancing and supplying energy to your chakra, the chakra bracelet will bring good luck to your life. It will attract prosperity into your life, and open up to a world of mega possibilities.

8) Spiritual sensitivity

The chakra bracelet can inspire you to become spiritually sensitive. Because of the benefits of the chakra bracelet, you will not have a problem with the chakra bracelet.

The recharging of your chakra energy points will increase your spiritual sensitivity in great measure.

Therefore, the chakra bracelet can be a harbinger of spiritual sensitivity. Whenever you see the chakra bracelet, the universe is using it to work on your spiritual sensitivity.

Chakra Beads Bracelet Meaning

Chakra Beads

The chakra beads bracelet carries a spiritual meaning of staying open. 

The chakra bead has come to inspire you to stay open to the spiritual environment around you and the chakra bead will inspire your mind to be alert. It will inspire your mind to always be active.

The chakra bead is also a sign of quality relationships. The chakra beads are whined together to form the best connection. When you see the chakra bead, it means a connection of a quality relationship. It is an inspiration to build a quality network of positive friends. 

The chakra bead is also a reminder to us concerning our health. Whenever you are not taking care of your health, the chakra bead might show up in your home. Furthermore, wearing the chakra bracelet will bring your attention to your health.

Whenever you wear the chakra bead, your inner self will always point your attention to your health.

Therefore, whenever you have this perception, you should take deliberate steps at improving your health.

What Are the 7 Chakra Stones? Chakra Bracelet Color Meanings

7 Chakra Bracelet Stones Meaning

Let us look at the different meanings of the 7 chakra bracelet colors and how they function to our advantage.

Red: Root chakra

The red color is associated with the root chakra. This chakra is located at the base of your spine. This chakra supplies the energy and determination to live the best of our lives.

Therefore, the red color is a great representation. The red color spiritually means passion, energy, and determination.

Furthermore, the root chakra is responsible for the feeling of safety and stability that runs through our bodies.

This is what helps us to become grounded and stable. It is believed to be the origin of every action and energy movement in our body. The red color bodes well with the root chakra.

Orange: Sacral chakra

The orange color is associated with our sacral chakra. This is known as the second chakra after the root chakra. It is situated at the belly button region. This chakra is responsible for our relationship with other people.

The will to accept other people and different experiences is associated with the sacral chakra.

The sacral chakra works on your self-esteem and creativity and helps you to accept other people as important.

The sacral chakra helps you to learn how to relate with people. The orange color in the spiritual realm is known for building solid relationships, creativity, and emotion. Therefore, it is the best color to represent the sacral chakra.

Purple: Crown chakra

The purple color is associated with our crown chakra. The crown chakra is believed to be the closest to spirituality. It is the crown chakra that enhances your spiritual senses. When you feel spiritually active, it is because of the effective functioning of the crown chakra.

The crown chakra connects you with the spiritual world.

The crown chakra is responsible for spiritual enlightenment, sensitivity, and communication with the spirit world. The purple color carries a deep spiritual meaning of the mystery.

Therefore, it is the best color to be linked with the crown chakra.

Yellow: Solar plexus chakra

The yellow color is associated with the solar plexus chakra. This is easy to understand because of how the yellow color is associated with the sun and solar energy.

The solar plexus chakra is responsible for our confidence and self-esteem. The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach area.

Whenever you feel confident about your dreams, aspirations, and abilities, the solar plexus chakra is actively working.

The yellow color carries a spiritual meaning of confidence. It inspires you to go after your dreams and aspirations.

Therefore, it has a spiritual connection with the solar plexus chakra. The yellow color on the chakra bracelet is a sign of confidence and self-esteem.

Green: Heart chakra

The green color is significant because of how close it is to the heart chakra. The heart chakra is at the center of your chest and it is responsible for the ability to love. This does not have to be marital.

You can genuinely love and care for people without romance or emotional disruptions.

The heart chakra is responsible for the feeling of love, care, and compassion we have towards others.

The green color is a sign of peace and compassion. Therefore, it is linked with the heart chakra. The heart chakra supplies the energy to love and care for people genuinely. It is also responsible for romantic feelings towards your loved twin.

Blue: Throat chakra

This color is associated with the throat chakra, and it enhances your ability to communicate with people.

The blue color helps you to communicate effectively with people. It ensures that you build the necessary communication skill to talk to people and get across to them with your message.


The black color is a sign of protection. It is not associated with any of the chakras, but it carries a spiritual meaning of protection.

With the chakra bracelet, you will enjoy protection against negative energy and spiritual attacks.

Furthermore, you will enjoy safety, security, and stability. Because of the black color on your chakra bracelet, you will be able to see things on a larger scale. Your inner vision will be enhanced.

Should I use this bracelet?

Spiritual balance

The chakra bracelet is effective; therefore, it should be used.

The chakra bracelet will bring stability and healing to your chakras, and help you to become relaxed, emotionally stable, and full of foresight to become a better individual. 

If you need to heal your chakra or bring stability to unstable vibrations, a chakra bracelet will do a nice job. It will work effectively on your chakra.

Final Words

The chakra bracelet will stabilize your chakra and increase your vibrational frequency, which will drive away negative energy. It will influence your decisions and position you for opportunities. Furthermore, it will bring good luck and prosperity to your life.

So, do you already know what is the 7 Chakra bracelet spiritual meaning, powers and uses? Please, feel free to use the comments below to share your opinion with us!

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