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Ace of Cups as Feelings (in Love) – Normal and Reversed

Ace of Cups as Feelings (in Love) - Normal and Reversed

The ace of cups shows a cup that is overflowing with water.

A hand is holding the cup, and a dove is trying to descend over this cup.

Now, what does this mean? A proper understanding of the ace of cups will lead to clarity concerning various aspects of life. 

However, this article is focused on the ace of cups as feeling in love.

  • What does the ace of cups have to say about your love life?
  • Can it reveal if you are on the right path or not?
  • It’s an important Tarot card?

Read on to find out.

Is the Ace of Cups related to Your Love Life?

Ace of Cups
Ace of Cups

The ace of cups is a card that speaks about falling in love and opening your heart to love.

It is believed that people who have experienced a breakup will often relate well to the ace of cups.

This is connected to how it speaks about new beginnings and an opportunity to make the most out of life.

The ace of cups will encourage you to never give up on finding the best man for you. 

In addition to this, the ace of cups will show up in a tarot reading to provide guidance and a clear description of the kind of man to love, and the kind of man to not love.

From the image, you will see a cup and a dove upside down.

It is believed that this is a sign of character traits that should be found in your man before getting into a relationship with him.

Generally, the ace of cups is believed to be a teacher of love.

It will instruct you on how to relate with the man you love. The ace of cups will open your heart to love. It will also encourage you to understand your man much better. 

Ace of Cups as Feelings in Love

Ace of Cups as Feelings in Love

Whenever you see the ace of cups in a tarot reading, it has a lot to say about your feelings. The hand that is holding the cup speaks about your decision to fall in love with someone. It also speaks about maintaining an emotional balance that keeps you in check.

The ace of cups is a card that can help you to maintain a healthy and stable marital relationship. 

When it comes to your feelings, the ace of cups can guide you on how to channel them properly – especially when it comes to falling in love with someone.

Without proper guidance, you might channel your emotional energy wrongly, and this will affect your perception of love and marriage.

To avoid this, the ace of cups will volunteer to guide you concerning your emotions

There are specific spiritual messages for 3 categories of relationships and love phases. Let us look into these after the other:

Someone you like:

Your friends in Tarot

When it comes to having feelings for someone you like, the ace of cups is saying that you should be calm.

Don’t be in a haste to act on your feelings.

You need to check if you are infatuated, or have sincere love feelings for him.

Previously, I stated that the ace of cups is believed to be a teacher of love.

Therefore, it will teach you how to discern the genuineness of your feelings for him.

The ace of cups also means that you are hoping to get married to him. That is, you desire to have him to yourself, and no one else.

This can be a possessive trait, which is good and necessary.

The ace of cups is saying that you should not be casual about your feelings. Take possession of it, and act when necessary.

Your Boyfriend or Husband:

Your Boyfriend in This Tarot Card

When it comes to a romantic relationship, it is dicy to delve into it without knowledge.

If you find yourself in a marital relationship that seems complicated, the ace of cups will help you out.

The first message from the ace of cups is saying that you are confused about a lot of things in the relationship, and you need inspiration at the moment. 

The ace of cups is an indication that you are true to your emotional feelings.

That is, if you fall in love with someone,  you don’t back out easily – except under severe and hostile conditions.

This bodes well for your relationship or marriage.

Because of how true you are, your boyfriend or husband will also become committed to you, and this will spark off something exciting in your relationship and love life.

Your ex (boyfriend or husband):

The Ace of Cups and the Ace of Cups

For your past relationship, the ace of cup reveals that the connection was broken because of a third party.

That is, you allowed someone to interfere in your relationship.

This person gave you the wrong advice, which affected your sense of judgment in the relationship. This was what led to the end of your relationship.

Why is the universe revealing this to you? It is to guide your next relationship.

You need to be careful about who to trust with details about your relationship because not all mean well.

The ace of cups also means that you are not happy that the breakup happened, and you are looking for every possible means to mend the broken relationship. 

Ace of Cups as Feelings Reversed

Ace of Cups Reversed

The ace of cups reversed can also speak about your feelings just like the ace of cups upright.

Does the ace of cups reversed bring a negative message? We will find out shortly.

Someone you like:

Someone you love and this Tarot card reversed

The ace of cups reversed is telling you to observe certain traits in the person you like before you make the move.

Without these traits, you might be walking into the wrong relationship, which will lead to a breakup and emotional trauma.

What are these traits:

  • The open cup signifies open-mindedness. That is, the person you will marry or fall in love with must be open-minded enough to listen to your views. He must be willing to respect your decisions at all times. Furthermore, he must be willing to admit when he is wrong.
  • The hand holding the cup is a sign of generosity. This means that he must have a trait of love and care. You don’t want to end up with a stingy man, or someone who does not care about your well-being.
  • The streams of water that pour out of the cup are a sign of honesty. That is, he must have nothing to hide. The major thing that ends a blossoming relationship is infidelity. Most times, infidelity starts when secrets are being kept. Therefore, look out for a man that is open. He must not be secrteive. Once he has a secret that he is not willing to share, then, that is a red sign.
  • The dove is a sign of calmness and forgiveness. That is, he must be willing to forgive you for your misdeeds without making a fuss over them. The ace of cups reversed is telling you to not marry a hot-tempered man.

Your boyfriend or husband:

Your husband in tarot readings

The ace of cups reversed is a sign that your boyfriend or husband needs your attention.

Looking at the ace of cups reversed, you will see the hand turning the cup upside down with the dove.

This means that he needs you more than ever before.

The ace of cups reversed is encouraging you to pay more attention to the feelings of your husband or boyfriend.

You have been crying for his attention, but it is also time to give back.

Your Ex (boyfriend or husband):

Your Ex feelings and the Ace of Cups

With the ace of cups reversed, it is clear that the universe allowed the breakup because he is not meant for you.

Therefore, don’t try to mend the broken relationship.

Move on with your life. Another message from the ace of cups reversed talks about not finding fulfillment in your past relationship.

It is saying that you are an adventurous person, but you felt boxed up in your past relationship. This was why it ended.

9 Messages from the Ace of Cups as Feelings in Love

Message from this Tarot card

What lessons can the ace of cups teach you concerning your feelings in love? How can the ace of cups help you to find your soul twin? What is the ace of cups saying about your relationship? Let us find out in the 9 messages from the ace of cups.

1) You desire to fall in love with your friend

The ace of cups in a tarot reading is a sign that you have a friend in mind that you hope to get married to.

The ace of cups reveals that you are focused – when it comes to love and emotional feelings.

That is, you identify the person, and channel all your emotional energy toward such an individual.

2) You are a kind person

The ace of cups reversed speaks about your kind heart.

It reveals that you have a soft personality that cherishes and cares for people.

Furthermore, the ace of cups reversed is saying that your man is lucky to have you because of your amazing and kind personality.

The ace of cups reversed likens you to a dove.

3) You need emotional discipline

If you are married, the ace of cups reversed is a sign of lack of emotional discipline.

It is saying that you allow your emotions to fly around easily, and this might pose a threat to your marital relationship.

Therefore, you need to become emotionally disciplined.

You need to understand how to channel your emotions properly without breaking boundaries.

4) You feel happy in your relationship

The ace of cups upright is a sign that you are happy in your relationship.

This is a sign that you feel fulfilled being in love with your husband or boyfriend. Furthermore, this does not mean that everything is all rosy.

It means that you have chosen to focus on the good while ignoring the bad.

5) You need to be open-minded

When it comes to love and relationships, one of the common messages from the ace of cups is being open-minded.

That is, you must be ready to learn new ways to please your husband or boyfriend, and vice-versa.

Furthermore, you must be willing to embrace the differing opinions of your spouse.

6) Your boyfriend is an open cup

The ace of cups reversed is warning you against treating your boyfriend badly.

The ace of cups says that your boyfriend is an open cup.

You will only drink what you pour into it.

This means that the reaction of your boyfriend is based on your actions and attitudes. Therefore, if you want a positive reaction, you need to give a positive attitude.

7) Your heart flows with love

The ace of cups describes the state of your heart.

It is saying that you are a lovable person, and every man will be lucky to have you.

8) You need to express yourself often

The five streams of water flowing down the cup are a sign of expression.

In a relationship, the ace of cups is saying that you should learn to express yourself more often.

This is how to release every negative feeling, and get clarity concerning a misjudged action on the part of your boyfriend or husband.

9) You are getting into a new relationship

If you experienced a breakup, the ace of cups reversed is an indication that you are getting into a new relationship soon.

Therefore, be open to the possibility of meeting someone new.

I took this card in a Tarot Reading: It’s a good sign?

Good signs from this Tarot card

Whenever you take the ace of cups in a tarot reading, it is believed to be a good sign because your spirit guide has led you to make that choice.

With the message from the ace of cups, you will never have to endure an unhealthy relationship.

When it comes to your love life, the ace of cups can guide you, warn you and assure you.

Final Words

The ace of cups is a teacher of love. Allow it to instruct you aright concerning love matters. In addition to this, it is a card that brings the blessing of the universe. Therefore, whenever you are open to its energy, your intuition will become more heightened to spiritual energy.

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