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Seeing Colors When Eyes Are Closed: Spiritual Meaning

Seeing Colors When Eyes Are Closed: Spiritual Meaning

During meditation practices, seeing colors when your eyes are closed is not a common phenomenon. This is because the colors are spiritual messages and psychic appearances. 

Furthermore, during your sleep moments, seeing colors passes a spiritual message as well. 

Normally, the color should be PITCH BLACK. But, when you begin to see colors like green, purple, and so on, there are spiritual implications of these strange color appearances. 

In this article, I am going to be sharing my perspective about each of the colors you can see when your eyes are closed. 

Therefore, read this article till the end to understand why you constantly see certain colors when your eyes are closed. 

Why do I see colors when I close my eyes (spiritually)?

Why do I see colors when I close my eyes (spiritually)?

Whenever your eyes are closed, you will see colors because of the following spiritual reasons:

If the spiritual world has a message for you, colors might form in your eyes when they are shut. 
The colors also reflect what goes on in your mind. By understanding the spiritual meaning of those colors, it is easy to identify the current state of your mind. 
Spiritually, seeing colors when your eyes are closed happens when something significant is about to happen in your life. 

These are 3 powerful spiritual reasons for seeing colors when you close your eyes.

This applies either to meditation exercises, prayer moments, sleep moments, or moments of deep thought and introspection

Through the colors you see, diverse spiritual messages can be communicated. This is what we will discuss in the next section. 

Read on to find out!

Spiritual meaning of seeing colors when my eyes are closed

Spiritual meaning of seeing colors when my eyes are closed

Whenever your eyes are shut, the colors that form are diverse spiritual messages.

Through them, you can get divine guidance, warning signs, or answers to certain questions in your heart. 

Seeing bright lights when I close my eyes:

Whenever your eyes are closed, seeing bright lights is a sign of inner clarity. This reveals that the answers you seek will soon be found

Also, this could be a spiritual sign of self-discovery. The bright light in your eyes shows that you need to spend time understanding who you are.

It is time to know what you are destined to accomplish in your life. 

Furthermore, it is believed that people who see bright lights when they shut their eyes are spiritually sensitive.

This means that their spiritual senses are perfectly working, or they possess psychic powers. 

Seeing green when I close my eyes:

If you are anticipating good news, seeing green when your eyes are shut is an assuring sign.

This reveals that what you anticipate will soon happen. It means that good news will be given to you soon. 

Furthermore, seeing green when your eyes are shut is known as an omen of good fortune.

In the spiritual world, the green color is a sign of wealth and lushness. Therefore, seeing it when you close your eyes means wealth is coming

For women (expecting a baby), the green color they see when their eyes are shut could be an omen of fertility.

It assures them of conception and a safe delivery. 

Seeing purple when I close my eyes:

Whenever you see purple while closing your eyes, this speaks of determination.

The color first reveals that you are mentally fatigued and don’t know what to do anymore.

It also supplies fresh energy with an inspired message that fuels your determination

Spiritually, seeing purple when you close your eyes is telling you to stay focused and determined on what you intend to accomplish.

It also speaks a little about doggedness and resilience in the face of challenges

The purple color also means self-confidence. It inspires you to build healthy self-esteem by believing in yourself and embracing your unique abilities and potential. 

Seeing black when I close my eyes:

It is normal to see black when you close your eyes. However, it can also have certain spiritual meanings. 

For example, if you are worried about something, seeing black when you close your eyes is telling you to take a break.

This means you need to relax. In Christianity, this sign tells you to not be anxious about anything. 

Additionally, seeing black when your eyes are closed is a sign of deep sleep. This could also warn you against improper healthy routines. It is telling you to take care of your body.


Seeing blue when I close my eyes:

The blue color speaks of confidence – just like the purple color

However, it also speaks about CONTROL

When you see blue while closing your eyes, it means that you need to be in control of your emotions and thoughts. Most times, this message is given to you when pressures and challenges are in your life or are about to come. 

Just as the deep blue ocean is calm under the bright sunlight, you must maintain calmness at all times. 

Additionally, seeing blue when you close your eyes is a spiritual sign of self-awareness.

It helps you to process your thoughts and feelings. It opens your mind to search into the depths of your being – leading to an intimate connection with your core

Seeing red when I close my eyes:

Spiritually, the red color is an omen of passion.

Whenever you see it while closing your eyes, it is mostly an encouraging sign.

This color wants you to stay passionate about your desires. It wants you to keep pushing and striving to attain your goals.

It does not want you to give up. 

Furthermore, seeing red while closing your eyes speaks of your desire to be loved. It also speaks of a psychic connection between you and your twin flame. 

Seeing a ring of light when I close my eyes:

When you see a ring of light when you close your eyes, it is a sign of a connection with your higher awareness.

This spiritually implies an awakening. 

It speaks of hope – a light at the end of the tunnel. This encourages you to not give up on your dreams. No matter how dark things look, there is HOPE.

A ring of light in your eyes means that your spiritual foresight needs to be expressed.

It warns you against suppressing your spiritual and psychic abilities. Start giving expression to your divine gifts.

Read the spiritual meaning of red eyes in pictures.

Why do I see patterns when I close my eyes?

Patterns of colors

Whenever you see patterns while closing your eyes, it spiritually means that a lot of decisions need to be made in the future.

It is time to practice decision-making.

Start by making sound decisions about mundane things, and gradually move to making bigger decisions. 

Doing this boosts your confidence. It makes you courageous enough to make huge decisions when that moment comes. 

Additionally, seeing patterns while you close your eyes means that the spiritual world is trying to communicate an important message to you.

The patterns are meant to catch your attention and increase your spiritual awareness – to get the message sent

Spiritual meaning of seeing colors when eyes are closed during sleep

Seeing colors when eyes are closed during sleep

Whenever you see colors during your sleep moments, it means that certain spiritual messages are communicated to you via your dreams

For example, seeing white while sleeping means that your thoughts are positive. It encourages you to maintain that positive energy. 

Seeing black while sleeping means peace. It inspires you to reduce the weight of your thoughts. 

Whenever you see a mix of colors while you sleep, this could be an attack.

It reveals that certain spiritual beings are trying to mess with your dreams. 

Several colors communicate diverse messages.

This is why you should OBSERVE the color that shows up in your eyes during your sleep moment. It’s an important sign to never ignore. 

When I close my eyes I see flashing lights! Spiritual meaning

Flashing lights

In the spiritual realm, seeing flashing lights while closing your eyes means that the universe is calling your attention to something important.

Commonly, this sign reveals that you need to pay attention to important details in your life. 

Additionally, seeing flashing lights with your eyes closed is a spiritual sign of new beginnings.

It means that something new is about to happen in your life. 

Whenever flashing lights come up in your eyes, it could also be telling you to WAKE UP. This could be a psychic alarm – telling you that it’s daybreak.

Should I be concerned spiritually?

Ring of purple light

Yes, you should be spiritually concerned about the colors you see when your eyes are closed.

As we have discussed so far in this article, the colors you see when your eyes are shut are powerful spiritual indicators.

They are also a reflection of what goes on in your mind

This is why you should give enough thought to the color you get/the pattern you get in your eyes.

Before you leave, read the spiritual meaning of sleeping with your eyes open.


Being sensitive to this sign opens your mind to divine guidance.

The importance of the colors that form in our eyes cannot be overemphasized.

Everything you’ve read in this article will help you on your journey. 

The next time you see any of the above-discussed colors in your eyes (while you sleep), take it as an important spiritual reminder. Pay attention to the message it delivers to you. 

1 thought on “Seeing Colors When Eyes Are Closed: Spiritual Meaning”

  1. i have always wondered if everybody saw all those colors and patterns this is very first time i see it mentioned the colors are outrageous overwelming not so simple as message i need more info please

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