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8 Black and White Feather Spiritual Meanings: Good Luck?

8 Black and White Feather Spiritual Meanings: Good Luck?

Do you know what is the black and white feather spiritual meaning? Let’s find out!

Have you ever seen a black and white feather and wondered what it means?

Have you ever been visited by the black and white feather countless times without a clue of what this sign means?

In this article, we are going to take a closer look at the black and white feather to spiritually understand the significance of this mystical object.

However, before you delve into this topic, you have to understand that the universe can use any means to communicate its mind to us. We have a responsibility to listen to them whenever they speak to us. The moment you let this truth get into your heart, you will begin to have a changed perception when it comes to things you see and hear around you.

As normal as our daily activities are, there is always going to be a supernatural appearance or interruption. This is to protect us from making mistakes and also guide us into the next phase of our lives.

Out of the many objects that can be used by the universe, black and white feathers are commonly seen. This is beyond a normal appearance because a black and white feather brings a deep spiritual message to our consciousness.

Read on to find out more about the spiritual reality of a black and white feather.

Black Feather Spiritual Meaning

Black Feather

Whenever you see a black feather, don’t be quick to assume anything yet.

A lot of people have spiritually believed that whenever anything black shows up, it is a bad sign and it represents good luck. However, you have to understand that this is not always the case.

For example, whenever you see a black feather, it can mean the presence of an angel around you. You might be shocked to realize this, but it is one of the spiritual meanings of seeing a black feather.

Angels don’t commonly use this feather to symbolize their presence, but for certain people, this is how an angel will speak to them about their presence around them.


Another spiritual meaning of seeing a black feather is a thirst for wisdom. If you have been seeking divine wisdom for a long time, the universe can bring a black feather to your house to tell you that all of your desires have been granted.

You will become fortified with divine wisdom that no one will be able to resist. Even the bible confirms this when Jesus was speaking to his disciples in Luke 21;15.

Therefore, there are times when seeing a black feather means spiritual wisdom and insight that is beyond human comprehension.

Confused mind

A black feather brings a sign of confusion of the mind. Whenever you feel confused, a black feather can show up to tell you that you are confused. Then, the next thing to do is to seek clarity from the universe concerning what to do about the decision you are about to make.

Black is a symbol of darkness and darkness is a symbol of confusion because you will not know what to do.

Therefore, whenever a black feather shows up on your path, it is a sign that your mind is full of confusion. Get help by calling upon the universe or upon the spirits to guide you into the light. In addition to this, you can seek spiritual help from mediums.

Black feather spiritually means the presence of negative energy around you.

This energy can come from your friends, it can come from your deep thoughts and emotions. Furthermore, it can come as a result of the things you have released into the atmosphere through your words.

White Feather Spiritual Meaning

White Feather

When you see a white feather, there is this amazing feeling that comes upon you.

Most times, this is because of our general belief that white is a color that brings good luck into our lives.

A white feather is one of the common signs of an angel. When a white feather shows up around you, it is a sign that an angel is around you and has come to visit you.

Most times, this will happen whenever you begin to feel alone and without help. Your guardian angel will come to console you, encourage you and strengthen you to never feel alone anymore.

In addition to this, a white feather is a symbol that the spirit of the dead is watching over us. This is not just any spirit. It is the spirit of our lost loved ones.

Most times, whenever you see a white feather during the first few days of losing a loved one, it is a sign from the deceased that he/she is around you and watching over you.

Therefore, this should be a sign of encouragement from the deceased one to you. You should stop feeling lonely and depressed because of the void.

The white feather bears a message of great clarity. Whenever you are in a state of confusion, you are going to see a black feather.

However, after calling on the universe to show you what to do, the white feather will show up on your path as an indication that the universe has heard your prayers and has sent them directly to your soul.

Therefore, you should pay attention to your inner intuition from that moment onwards.

Black and White Feather Meaning: 8 Spiritual Messages

Black and White Feather Meaning

We have seen the individual spiritual meanings of a black and white feather. We are going to see the 8 powerful spiritual messages of seeing a black and white feather. Whenever you see a combination of both colors in a feather, they carry divine messages from the spirits and universe.

What are the spiritual messages of seeing a black and white feather?

1) There is a conflict in your soul

Confused soul

There are times in our lives when we feel as if the negative will happen, but then we suddenly feel like the positive will happen.

Most times, when we get to this point, we have to be careful about what we allow to dominate our minds.

The reason for this is because, when the negative becomes more real to us than the positive, that is what will be our reality.

However, if the positive becomes more real than the negative, it will be our reality as well.

Therefore, when the black and white feather shows up in your house or on your path, it is a sign from the universe that you have to watch your heart carefully.

2) You have a mixture of good and bad friends

Friends in spiritual world

A black and white feather is a sign of good and bad friendship.

Therefore, if you see a black and white feather, you have to pay close attention to all of your friends.

There are the genuine ones and the fake ones among them.

Trust in the divine wisdom of the universe to let you know whom to trust and whom to never trust with the secrets of your life.

3) Your life is going to experience a lot of problems, but you will come out successful

Spiritual problems

This is an assurance from the universe.

When you see a black and white feather, the universe has come to give you a prophecy concerning how your life is going to turn out.

You are going to go through some difficult life situations, but eventually, you will prevail and come out victorious.

Therefore, do not allow any negative situation to break you down. You have predestined to be victorious.

4) Your energy is being corrupted by the things you allow into your mind

Bad thoughts

Whenever you see a black and white feather with the black color as the major color, then it is a sign that your energy is being corrupted and contaminated by the things you hear.

Therefore, you have to become deliberate about the things you hear and allow into your mind from the moment.

If you allow negative energy to fill you up, you are going to attract negative situations into your life.

5) You are on the path of purification

Spiritual purification

If the white color is more than the black color, then it is a sign from the universe that your chi is being purified.

Therefore, keep at the purification process and guide your heart from being exposed to negative things from that moment.

6) Your life is about to take a new shape

New step

Most times, when you are in the blink of transformation or change, a black and white feather will show up to give you a heads-up into what is happening in your life.

Whenever you see a black and white feather, it is a sign that you are about to experience a major change in your life.

This change might be positive or negative depending on the energy that comes from the black and white feather to you at that time.

7) You are protected from evil

Guardian Angel protection

Whenever you feel unsafe, allow the black and white feather to assure you that nothing is going to happen to you.

This has been my constant experience. Every time I begin to feel an energy of fear around me, the universe always sends a black and feather to me to calm me down and give me an assurance that they are watching over me and protecting me.

Therefore, you should have this assurance as well.

8) Stop struggling with your inner self


There is more side to life than the physical.

Therefore, when your spiritual self begins to call out to you, it is time to pay attention and not struggle with it.

This is a message from the universe to you through the black and white feather.

Allow your spiritual side to take over your soul and you will experience total freedom.

Black and White Mixed Feather Spiritual Meaning

Black and White Mixed Feather Spiritual Meaning

Whenever you see this type of feather, it only has one spiritual meaning.

The meaning of this is that your life is going to be filled with a lot of ups and downs. You will go through many triumphs and trials.

However, there is a twist to this meaning, if the end of the feather is white, then it is a sign that you are eventually going to come out victorious. 

However, if the end of the feather is black, then it is a warning from the universe that you have to ensure that no failure puts you in a state of hopelessness and despair. 

Black and White Striped Feather Spiritual Meaning

Black and White Striped Feather

Whenever you see a striped feather, it is telling you that life is in cycles and phases.

Therefore, you should not get used to the current phase of your life. You have to be prepared for a massive turnaround at any time.

Although, the universe will always give you a heads-up when you are about to begin another cycle of your life.

The black and white striped feather has come to awaken your consciousness to the reality of the different cycles and phases of our lives.

Black and White Spotted Feather Spiritual Meaning

Black and White Spotted Feather

Whenever you see this type of feather, it is a sign of lack of conviction. It means that you don’t have a firm belief in yourself and what you hope to achieve.

Most times, if you allow the voices of the people around you to determine what you should do and not do, then the universe will send a black and white spotted feather to warn you against having a weak mind.

Therefore, you have to build your mindset to become strong and non-influenced by any external force.

Could it Represent Good Luck?

Feathers and good luck

Seeing a black and white feather can represent good luck.

If the white color is at the end of the feather, then you should have a good feeling about the feather.

However, if a black color is at the end of the feather, then you have to take extra caution to prevent a negative turnaround in your life.

Final Words

Have you gotten the clarity you have always wanted?

Well, I am sure you already know the power of the black and white feather.

Therefore, the next time you find such a spiritual object in your house, it is time to pay more attention than ever before and allow the spirits to guide you into how your life can become what the universe has destined it to be.

So, do you already know what is the black and white feather spiritual meaning? Please, feel free to leave your comments below!

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4 thoughts on “8 Black and White Feather Spiritual Meanings: Good Luck?”

  1. I found a black and white feather today out in my yard not far from me, it looks like a magpie feather it’s white on top n black at bottom, not sure what this means looked up and it says trouble ahead??? Is this true?? ❤️Mystic gypsy ❤️

  2. I found a feather black in the middle white on top and white at the bottom on my front doorstep what does it mean

  3. I found one today and instantly radiated comfort and contentment, but it made me strangely feel a little bit giddy and mischievous 🤔😊 A Rather rewarding reassurance to be honest

  4. Hi , I found a feather this morning. White at the bottom, then a thick black strip, then a small white stripe, then black at the tip. What does this mean

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